Monday, February 5, 2018

Affairs of The Heart

What do you think it is that makes a person into a soft hearted one? Are they born that way? 
Does life experience make them that way?

Maybe one, the other or a combo in differing percentages of both.


This is less searching for the answer, more like simple human curiosity.
Curiosity about all aspects of life are part of my basic character. When someone or something catches my attention, it feels as if whoever or whatever it is, is calling out to me. 
Come to me, find out why!
As much as possible, I do!

It's pretty much inevitable that when I investigate, there will sometimes be suffering.
This is a tough one for me.
People have told me that I have an almost masculine approach. When I find something that's broken, I feel a need to fix it. When someone tells me a problem they are having, it stirs me to try to help. Just listening is far from enough.

When  witnessing suffering, it stirs my heart into action, the body follows, the mind tags along with the other 2.

Being a sensitive, caring, empathetic intuitive can  be dangerous.
There are people who are readily willing to take full advantage of people who are kind.
Learning to rein it in has been a life lesson forged from trial & error, though, mostly error.
Painful error.
Life altering error.
Error that was a teacher.
Error to promote personal growth.

Soothing the pain, shaking the dirt off, remembering the lesson

This is the anatomy of the affairs of my heart.

Lessons for the mind.

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