Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Everyone has secrets.

Oh! Please realize that even you have secrets you will hold close to your heart like you would a losing hand of cards.

I have secrets. Secrets I have kept to myself. Secrets that might destroy other people. Secrets.
Yupp, ha ha.

Military secrets
Personal Secrets
Other peoples secrets

Oh, I have floated my hair over a lovers face in my dreams. Oh, I have had a strong person sobbing on my shoulder saying secrets. Have also listened intently, with fascination, as secrets were spilled at me, then worked afterward to forget.
A method I use is almost impossible to explain, that's for a different future blog entry. Peeps!!! it's a lotta detail.

In my serious human conscience, having been somewhat loose lipped, so long ago, the pain filled lessons, indeed, taught me.
It's been a very long time since learning that lesson.
The life lesson is remembered, the pain of the lesson has been lulled into a dull ache, still there, to remind me to be more tight lipped, to exercise more caution combined with human compassion, for as long as I live, plus, maybe beyond.

If you are reading this, if you are still under voting age, please, heed my advice, keep your secrets.
When a human being has more to be proud of as well as less to regret, life is easier, more peaceful, less wracked with regret.

Love, peace, happiness to you.

Much love.

1 comment:


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