Friday, April 26, 2019

I'm Glad HE Said it!

I follow other bloggers sometimes. 
For inspiration, for information, sometimes just for the halibut. 😁😁
The Rambling Father is one of my favorites. David Casler is married to Maria Kang, a fitness goddess/guru. He is also a military veteran who survived a TBI. Not just survived, though, he has trod the long road back to physical, mental, emotional health. From strength and health to near destruction, loss, pain and back to strength and health. 
He is that courageous alpha male who is brave enough to give life to that softer side that so many men fear, avoid, deny vehemently!
He's the MAN!
He admits to his flaws, even embraces them at times. He and his beautiful bride, together, speak of that which many people can't even admit, not even to themselves.
Recently, on The Rambling Father blog spoke volumes in one meme. The photo, alone is soul searing. The truth in the words is equally searing. 
If a woman had written what was written in his recent blog entry, she would have some nasty backlash lobbed at her for days, possibly even weeks! She would be called a "disgusting feminist", a "feminist troll", a man hater, a man basher, etc etc etcetera!!!!!!!!
David has put into words, centered around this meme, something that most people know, yet, dare not say. Maybe the sheer articulation escapes them or they aren't emotionally strong enough to handle the vicious backlash that would follow.
As his words describe the pain that some people have had put upon them by those who claimed to love them, the tears of recognition streamed down my face.
I have felt the deep and jagged stabs into my heart.
I am one of the walking wounded who knows that I can't withstand any more of the pain that a broken heart wields.
I keep myself to myself to protect myself from anymore of the pain that others would inflict.
Maybe they wouldn't.
I can't take that chance. 
Not again.

If a man were to want to get to know me, he would have to be so patient and transparent for me to take that risk.

The demons in my head will only remain silent because they are allowed to sleep undisturbed, safe from such emotional pain.
In my solitary living, I find happiness, peace, flashes of excitement from time to time. It's a good life.
I'm financially comfortable, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy. I had to work so hard to get to this sweet spot.
It's a life of singledom, celibacy, creative expression through creating beauty in the manipulation of cotton threads, silk threads, linen, silk fabrics, tiny sparkling crystals. Sparkling blends of viscose and metallic fibers bring the beautiful to life at my hands.
Those males in the world who use women for their bodies, speaking lies, flashing their smiles, they inflict so much pain, then flit away, uncaring as to the harm they have done.
My love and care and compassion goes out to these guys who inflict such heartbreak. Their actions broadcast to those who recognize it as one whose storm rages inside their hearts, their minds. Their inner demons are alive, raging in a life of constant torment. 
I would like to say to these guys:
"Find your peace within before you leak your poison onto the woman who put her trust in you to treat her kindly. Instead, your callousness only damages her. If you won't love her at least don't lie to her, use her, hurt her so that she despises even the good men."

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