Sunday, August 5, 2018

Seeking Beauty, Finding Truth, The Ultimate beauty

Using light blue for the color of my text has become a habit, possibly, it will be a trademark, someday.
It feels right, it feels good. The phrase, "true blue" is called to mind.
As a lover of truth, on a journey to be truthful, always, in truth, I have faltered. Then, rising up again, into truth, I arose into blue.
It's painful to admit, yet, I have just now, admitted.

A few times, I faltered. Out of pain, out of self protection, even from sheer ignorance of what I was doing, I did things out of character, untrue to myself.  Pain does that. It did, for me. 

Seeking truth, seeking beauty, it seemed to be beauty. Until, that is, it turned into pain. Soul searing, life altering pain. The sort of pain that no one would want for others much less themselves.

Still believing, I let my being be drawn, naively, innocently, drawn.

Wishing to believe.

Like Peter Pan.

First star to the right, straight on 'til morning. I journeyed.

Finally, realizing, the truth I sought, was inside me. The truth I sought was within me. It was my own beautiful soul.

Yup. Ha Ha!
I use visuals.
Loving men as I do, I know visuals are important.  ♥

To quote a very beloved philosopher:

When we feel truth, we know it as beauty.

When you are a guy, seeking a beautiful girl, you will view her as truthful. It's in your hard wired DNA. I love you, I applaud you!

I will meet you there, my beloved. Perfect in your imperfection.


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