Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Intelligence is a blessing, sometimes the reverse.

Having been tested a lot (academically), having been told ( by those who know me as well as a few who don't) I deduced that I'm above average in smarts. Intelligence, even a bit of a smart azz.

Technology? I love it! It challenges me, then, I have it all figgered out. (yawn)

People? A bigger mystery.
Guys? An even bigger mystery.

Children? Pure bliss. I love them, they love me.
Animals? All animals love me!

One thing, having learned for sure, most males feel uncomfortable with an intelligent woman or girl. Many like to play BS games. A smart girl will call him out & refuse to tolerate such nonsense. If she cares about him, she may tolerate it for a few weeks or even a few years if she has a child by him.
Ultimately, the BS dance gets to be intolerable. Being a smart one she does what is best for her as well as her child. She leaves.

Sometimes, whether he has a child with her or not, he will seek out then align himself with another girl who will accept his BS.
Sux to be her. 

As an intelligent one, I find that most guys are reticent, frightened of me at worst. 
It's all good.
Speaking my mind, speaking my truth, is how I roll. 
The wrong ones will vamoose, the right ones will feel secure in the presence of someone who is confident as well as kind, approachable.
In those instances where this intelligence lapsed, my heart was allowed by me, to lead, leaving my brain behind. The price that was paid for this lapse was pleasure at first then dissolving into deep, soul searing pain. Pain that made me feel that even taking my own life was better than living with the emotional pain. Pain which hung on for a year or more. 
This pain taught me that it's better to remain solitary than it is to risk such self allowing pain ever again.
It's better to love myself & sanity enough to never do that to myself, ever again. 
Male friends = Yes. 
Romantic Involvement with a male = NO

Being in possession of intelligence also means heightened awareness, it does, for me. 
When out in public, in private or even in phone convo, it's simple to pick up the subtleties behind which many try to hide. They try.

Although I call these people out less than I recognize, when called out it produces a wave of defensiveness, a wave of denial.

Often, I smile, keep it to myself.

Heightened intelligence also means heightened creativity in all aspects of life.

Sex, art, cooking, decorating innovation. O yeah. It surfaces!


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