Monday, August 27, 2018


Red is a color of energy, passion, empowerment. Hence, the color of the text in this blog entry. Feel the love!!!!  😊

The secret is no secret, any longer.

I went to Utah to attend a college graduation, very recently.

The rest?

Such sweet surprises!

Dealing with the unexpected can somewhat rattle me. It can also make me grow, deliver exciting experiences.
That sums this trip up fo' shoah!

It thrills me to spend time with my wondrous daughter and her equally wondrous hubbs.

 A thrill I had, on the way, was the driving as well as while at the destination of an oh so dear lifelong friend.
We talked, reminisced, solved the worlds problems, made a plan for peace in the middle east.
We DID talk, we did zip-line the Provo Valley, we did move mountains, or, at least move through them!
She drove through the mountain passage into the salt lake valley (which is uncomfortable pour moi)

While I was there, there were revealing events, many revealing moments. Catching up to what has happened in my dear friend's life. Making new acquaintances.

It was a road-trip drive ( yes, we drove a car!)

While this feeling of empowerment is here, I want to share something to empower you, who are reading this. I didn't write this, I don't know who did. It was sent to me in a FB message.
I recently overheard a young man discussing with a young woman, a female, high school mate that “USED to be beautiful.” Noticing that I overheard the conversation, I guess because they felt their comments needed to rationalized or justified since they realized I was in ear shot of the comments. They commenced to tell me that she had became a “stripper” and the condemnation that came with their comments broke my heart for their lack of understanding but mostly for a woman’s heart, whom I have never met but have come to understand very well through my past life and my new. Every boy has a question, Am I strong enough? Do I have what it takes? Every little girl is asking, Do you notice me? Am I beautiful? If these questions are mishandled, what we as young men and women will do to have them answered is demoralizing and even deadly.
There is only one lover who can answer our question. He is waiting for us to pull off the masks of macho bravado, tough controlling hard edges and bring our question to Him. So, men, next time you are sitting in a strip club stealing that girl's beauty for $20 a dance or alone in the dark watching her give herself to strangers for your pleasure on a video. Remember this, deep inside that woman is a little ballerina. Perhaps your daughters age, she is twirling on a table in the living room or out in the yard in her twirling skirt, asking, Do you notice me? Am I beautiful? There is a right way and a wrong way to handle such questions. Think about the question in your life and how it was answered. What has become so unattractive and socially unacceptable to those who were fortunate to not have their question mishandled, is still that beautiful little girl asking, Do you notice me? Am I beautiful? Until we have faced our own wounds we shouldn’t have an opinion on such issues but we do. So, I guess “pride comes before the fall” and when we do, by God’s grace and mercy, we can all, always return to our “first lover.” 


Something to ponder.

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