Friday, July 27, 2018

Soul Ties & Soul Moves

There is a difference between soul ties and soul moves.

imho ~ Soul ties bind, sometimes with permission, sometimes it starts with our consent, then morphs into legal, spiritual, emotional chains or rope to hold one who wishes to be set free.
Sometimes, we are only bound in body, sometimes in the mind, sometimes a bit of both.
When leaving a situation which is toxic, people will sometimes remain soul tied when they are no longer bound legally or physically. 
Being held against your will is the sin of the captor, being free while still holding on is the sin of the captive. 
It's one of those cruel aspects of being sentient while being human.

One of the most healing elements of life is MUSIC!

Whatever floats your heart can have healing effect when it feels as though you are sinking. Drowning in sadness, tears, misery.
Perhaps this is why singing or playing a musical instrument or really, anything that makes music, is so beloved. iPods, piano fortes, guitars, Mp3 Player, drums, organs. So much more!
Background music, dance music, country music, rock music, classical music, acapella music. Even an AM/FM radio is loved!

As one who is multi-lingual, the words in a song affect me just as much as the rhythm, the beat. I hear the words whereas many people tell me they can't hear the words, much less remember them!


From up above I heard the angels sing to me these words
And sometimes in your eyes I see the beauty in the world


Now I'm floating so high
I blossom and die
Send your storm and your lightning to strike me between the eyes

Sometimes the stars decide to reflect in puddles in the dirt
When I look in your eyes, I forget all about what hurts 


Now I'm floating so high
I blossom and die
Send your storm and your lightning to strike me between the eyes

And cry:
Believe in miracles

Oh hey! I'm floating up above the world now
Oh hey! I'm floating up above the world now

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah!!

By Coldplay 

Listen, be jazzed, inspired, I would love to be the one to uplift you today, right here, right now. Bring yourself, I will be here.

These words, this music inspire as well as uplift me so much. Felt so deep, they truly do move my soul.
They remind me just how much of a miracle every person is, every minute of every day.
So very precious.

As a firm believer in LOA or law of Attraction, using such positive inspiration raises me up, in effect, raises the vibe in my spirit.

This is even scriptural as in, yes, the Holy Bible.

Proverbs 23:7
For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Very soul touching, soul movement. Who you are as well as how you talk to yourself in your mind where you are the only one who can hear, this is who you really are.

This is why I tell people to speak to themselves in their mind as they would speak to someone they dearly love. 
Beauty within? 

A compelling challenge? Non? Mais oui!

For one hour, speak to yourself, inside your mind, as you would speak to someone you cherish. 
Could you do it?
Could you do it for just one day?

A challenge. Mais oui! 

Bunny - hopping

Hello m'loves.

I am a bit of a bunny hopper of sorts.

If you are, as well, good on ya. If you are the opposite, welcome.

What is bunny hopping?

You may ask.

You may.

M'loves, bunny hopping is 5 steps forward, 3 steps to the rear. A bit of what feels as futility at times, still, making progress. Bunny hopping! YES!
Welcome to my life.

Having done without a proper amount of food, of nutrition for a number of years, when my fortune changed, I made up for it!
Perhaps, over indulgence played a role.
Perhaps, m'loves.

When the winds of fortune changed, indulging in delicacies was a pleasure. Although losing a greater amount of weight has been my goal for a time, the setback happened.

Having bunny hopped 5 steps ahead, there were 3 backward. UGH!

Being confident, this was less of a deterrent!
Having progressed so far, it was most expedient to take up the motivation to move forward.

Here I grow. 

Will there be photos?

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Aerie Faerie

If the woo-woo talk scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable, stop reading, now. As an intuitive, spiritual person, it's an integral part of my life experience.

What does it feel like to fall in love?

My punny aunt says, "People don't fall in love. They fall in a pile of crap, most of them just don't know the difference."

It's humorous, I can see that. Still, falling in love is a sweet feeling.
It can also be a dangerous feeling. Cue in French accent.

Feelings, nothing more than feelings. :D

These feelings can guide us when & if we heed the guidance.

Just as the muscles in a persons' body become stronger, more durable, more capable to accomplish so much, so it goes with intuition.
Yes, peeps.
It's a favored subject for moi!

Whether you believe in LOA, intuition, NDEs, the power of prayer, the benefits of meditation or not, it is a component of life. However, it can only thrive when it is exercised.
Do you see what I just did? :)

From a very early age, I have had many spiritual experiences. Along the way, I have had 4 NDEs or Near Death Experiences.
Also, having my first NDE at age 5, it was natural for me. When I told my mother of having angels visit me, she grabbed me by my tiny shoulders, shook me, told me to never tell anyone of this. She told me that if I told anyone, I would be locked up and people would do terrible things to me. Better to keep it to myself.

Mostly, I did keep it to myself until, at 12 years of age, I met a Camp Counselor who told me of having some of the same experiences. Very carefully, I told her of my experiences.
Guess what?
I was praised, listened to, validated.
I grew, spiritually, so much, that summer at camp.

In present day, it seems to have gone full circle. Whereas I was somewhat confident in telling of my spiritual experiences, for a few years, I keep them to myself, now.
When prompted, I share these precious experiences. I still have spiritual experiences, share them sparingly with very few. As an active journaler, I write my experiences in my journal.

Perhaps, when I have passed on, someone will find my journals.

With my spirit set free, there will be no locking up nor terrible things done to my person.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Little Things

When a person is basically happy in spite of the odds that they should be miserable due to those circumstances which can't be controlled. 
This is a modern day little miracle.

I'm prone to depression, possibly it's genetics, possibly from the social isolation due to MST/PTSD. idk.

What I do to counteract this is to find those uplifters which will bring a bit of happiness.
Earlier in the year I went through a funk.
Shadow cast over my parade.
Fitness is important to me, I lost desire to work out. 
I did something to whoop that bad dog!
Changing up my workout music is going to do good things for my mood, workouts ~ LIFE!
Now that I made it through 
Birthday Depression 
2 weeks of HELL


I wiped my Mp3 player, then, put all new tunes on it. Some of the music, I only found, tonight! Love Maroon 5, Dua Lipa as well as, of course ~ Coldplay!

It would be moot to say , 
"Well durr! Should have done it sooner!"
We do things when we do them, no sense in self recrimination!
The point is ~ Mah mojo izz BACK! Little things can make vast changes, I feel good! Na-na Na Na-Na Na-Naaa!

Happiness is made up
Of a thousand little things
As sweetly delicate
As are gossamer wings

It can softly sit next to you
Waiting for you to see
You can have it if you want it
When you simply let it be 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Still Here

You're still here
Still living in my heart
Air kisses in morning
Though we're apart

Your voice is like velvet
So smoothe like cream
I hear it when I'm awake
Even hear it when I dream

I still have your T shirt
It's the one I wear
When I need to feel
Like you're still there

When I need the relief
From such heavy concern
The candle that smells like you
Is the one that I burn

And I burn so steady
As I fall asleep
Your scent wafting all over
The memories of you I keep

When will I let go
Of all that is you
When a love, equally strong
Comes to me anew

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


You shall be remembered
My Grandfather
You will be remembered 
In the hearts of your grandchildren
You live

My son looks so much like you
He has your tender heart
Your temperament
Your respect for women 
You are remembered

Hearing your voice
Every day
In all that I do
In all that I say
You are remembered

Your hat you wore
The billyclub you carried
In the early 1900s
Your engagement photo
To my grandmother
Are cherished

Your spirit lives on
In my heart
In my life
In my memories
You live

I miss you with every beat of my heart 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

He's a MAN

He can be loud and proud
He can be quietly spoken
He forges onward
Untamed and unbroken
It's so hard to be the man he wishes to be
In such a confusing world of unclear
A good man a weak one a strong or weak 
The prospect of failure can fill him with fear
The balance of power 
Has been so secure
For unnumbered years
The feminist endure
Does he declare his intent 
To the fair one of his choosing
Does he hang back to risk
His forever losing
It was tough to be 
A femme for so long
Now all this talk of equal
Makes him feel wrong
The man of today
Walks a very thin line
In my eyes he is wondrous
He is so very fine


 I went walking in the rain
It felt good on  my skin
It cleansed me without
While it cleansed me within
I have always loved the rain
The way it makes earth look new
The sweetness of petrichor
The scent of such heavy dew
The skies are clothed in soft
The passionate flashes of light
Dashing down from aloft 
Maybe it's because I love water
Since my birth was in July
Figger that one out 
Before you ask me why
Whilst walking in the summer rain
Memories come that I refrain from regret
I don't just stroll through the streets
I walk until I am thoroughly wet


Friday, July 6, 2018


Tonight was, taking place, yet another get together of "our" singles group in Graham, Texas.

There was much discussion of the personal issues faced as a single person, alone. We spoke of facing the issues where mostly married people rarely relate. Situations rarely faced by people who have remained married.

It gave me a feeling of belonging. It made me feel that I belong. The feeling was in the air. It seemed as if all 5 of us present felt the same.

After divorce, the many perps of deception, the many heartbreaks, the frustration at trying to find someone to love who would love me in return, I gave up. 

The pain, the frustration, the utter futility made it a useless pursuit.

It's much better, promotes greater happiness to engage in those pursuits which are more positive outcome producing. Social events, hobbies, personal activities, even volunteer work!

I stopped dating while still believing there are many good men in the world. Being a good woman, I believe, equally, there are good men in the world. Good men who respect themselves, whom also respect women. 
I stopped dating while I still love men, still love masculine traits!

Tonight, whilst discussing this, it felt very validating.

In this small group, we have very diverse people. 

Kind people.

Compassionate people.

A 50/50 balance of people.

Love this!

I know that all good things.....(You know how this colloquialism finishes)

Knowing this, I will enjoy our Thursday nights as long as they last.


Monday, July 2, 2018

It's THAT time again

It's almost that time........again.


A time of year that brings almost as much trepidation as Christmas.
It's just *one* day out of 365, yet, often overlooked. Mm Hm.

My Birthday.

I have Birthday Depression. Unmotivated. Sadness. Sleep a lot.

It would be less of an issue if it hadn't been such a negative issue starting in early childhood. For whatever issues she had, my mother would drive the point home that I didn't deserve a birthday cake, so, don't expect one!

One year, my Aunt Ruth, who was always appalled at my mothers attitude toward me, MADE my mother celebrate my birthday. She gave me a whole roll of pennies which thrilled me. It was just one day.......and my mother gave me hell for the next 2 weeks out of resentment toward being made to acknowledge my birthday.

I don't know what her damage was or why she resented me so much. I ended our relationship when she hired an attorney to force me to let her have unsupervised week long visits with my children.
Mess with me, I'll fight back.
Mess with my babies? You're ejected from my life. End of issue.

My mothers problems, whatever they were, have had a lifelong effect on me. Especially at this time of year. Birthdays ~ ugh.

If the male I married, had been more kind, more understanding about my Birthday, the pain might have been healed.
He was selfish, uncaring, didn't care enough about anyone else's feelings besides his own, to celebrate my Birthday. 

I would take myself out for a birthday lunch, have my hair done, buy flowers for myself. I would go to a needlework shop, get some needlework accoutrements I wanted. From there,  maybe get a new outfit, then, take myself out for dinner, then, come home to his anger. Fun.

My youngest daughter has been the sweetest, most understanding of my feelings about my Birthday. My Victoria. She lives up to her name. 💙
She put her heart & soul into a Birthday party for me a few years back. She cleaned my home, invited people over, made nada-coladas, my favorite foods, even a few party games.
It was impressive for a 19 year old with mad skillz!

That was the only Birthday party I have ever had.

My friend, Anita, made my Birthday so sweet last year! We were still getting to know each other. I have a "thing" about my Birthday being celebrated on "the day". She sure knocked herself out! On "the day" it was a flat nothing. Anita had to work.


I really WANT to get over it. I really do.

I don't know if I ever will. My birthday is on the equivalent of Independence Day in the USA, the 4th of July celebration, in France. It's Bastille Day in France. I'm a Bastille Day baby!
This means that my parents had an awesome October in the year before I was born. 😄
When I lived in Germany, I went across the border into France on my Birthday, to take part in the celebration. That was cool!
Fireworks on "the day."

As the day approaches, I'm a bit of an emotional mess. It's less than pleasant. Every year, I hope it will be different.
Maybe, this year, it will be.
I can hope.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I'm a Man Lover

Having had it insinuated that I'm a man-hater.

Let me, please, re-assert, I love men!


It's negative.

It's total opposite of all that I am.

Loving the scent of testo, anything male. Umm. Nope.

I love people. Male. Female. Andro. Asexual.  


Mostly, I love.



  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...