Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Aerie Faerie

If the woo-woo talk scares you or makes you feel uncomfortable, stop reading, now. As an intuitive, spiritual person, it's an integral part of my life experience.

What does it feel like to fall in love?

My punny aunt says, "People don't fall in love. They fall in a pile of crap, most of them just don't know the difference."

It's humorous, I can see that. Still, falling in love is a sweet feeling.
It can also be a dangerous feeling. Cue in French accent.

Feelings, nothing more than feelings. :D

These feelings can guide us when & if we heed the guidance.

Just as the muscles in a persons' body become stronger, more durable, more capable to accomplish so much, so it goes with intuition.
Yes, peeps.
It's a favored subject for moi!

Whether you believe in LOA, intuition, NDEs, the power of prayer, the benefits of meditation or not, it is a component of life. However, it can only thrive when it is exercised.
Do you see what I just did? :)

From a very early age, I have had many spiritual experiences. Along the way, I have had 4 NDEs or Near Death Experiences.
Also, having my first NDE at age 5, it was natural for me. When I told my mother of having angels visit me, she grabbed me by my tiny shoulders, shook me, told me to never tell anyone of this. She told me that if I told anyone, I would be locked up and people would do terrible things to me. Better to keep it to myself.

Mostly, I did keep it to myself until, at 12 years of age, I met a Camp Counselor who told me of having some of the same experiences. Very carefully, I told her of my experiences.
Guess what?
I was praised, listened to, validated.
I grew, spiritually, so much, that summer at camp.

In present day, it seems to have gone full circle. Whereas I was somewhat confident in telling of my spiritual experiences, for a few years, I keep them to myself, now.
When prompted, I share these precious experiences. I still have spiritual experiences, share them sparingly with very few. As an active journaler, I write my experiences in my journal.

Perhaps, when I have passed on, someone will find my journals.

With my spirit set free, there will be no locking up nor terrible things done to my person.

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