Friday, May 18, 2018

More Time

So......I have been spending more time with my first-born. A 5 - 7 hour drive south from where I live. She will only live close enough to drive for a visit for a few weeks longer.
It's quite extraordinary, the insights into life that emerge when she and I visit. Love it when this happens!
It feels so heart warming, dispenses greater understanding, this connection which she and I share.
She has an exuberance for life that waned only slightly with the traumatic birth of her sweet baby in January. It's wonderful to see her sense of humor, her energy level, her exuberance bounce back!

I love this sweet child who is now an elderly baby of mine. Who has sweet babies of her own. Not elderly ones :
They are 3.5 months, 2 years, 4 years & 6 years. WOW! 
My own children were similarly spaced, yet, watching her do this makes me fill with wonder & awe at how beautifully she handles such a demanding role. I know how easy it wasn't!

All I ask right now is more time
All I'm asking for
All I ask in my little rhyme
Is just a little bit more

Time with my darling daughter
Who is so dear to my heart
To last the years to come
While we are apart

Just a little longer 
Just a few more embraces
Just a few more mutual smiles
From those little faces

Just a little more
No, I want a lot more of that healing salve
I'll be content for now
With the time we have


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