Tuesday, October 29, 2019


As a small child
I was told may things
Always focused elsewhere

As a teenager
Very unaware
Becoming more self aware
With time

Adulting was new
It was so scary
It was so exciting
It was what it was
I was born ready for it

Now I had my own baby
Such a miracle to hold
So tiny 
So perfect
Had to be responsible

Watching my baby grow
Holding on
While letting go
A balance
I did it

Looking into my babys eyes
While suckling at my breast
Embracing to do my best
Only then did I realize
It was a challenge

Thoughts were now less of me
More of my care for this little one
How to fulfill duty laced with fun
Oh little baby what will you be
Much wonder

Now I have my answer 
Now I know the truth
You're a bright star in the universe
While still in your youth
I'm watching you, still

No longer A baby still MY baby
Pure potential living, breathing, loving


Help The World

  If you buy drinks in multiples, held together by the thin plastic that holds them together, have you given much thought to it? Sure, it...