Tuesday, October 22, 2019


You have seen them.

You might even be one.

Maybe even in the near future.

The people who have an 80 year old face with the hair color of a 25 year old.

Keep your britches from bunching up. Ha ha!

Often, I will see mostly ladies who have very obviously dyed hair. It's easy enough to discern. Most people will be in a natural shade of some other hair color besides blonde once they are 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 or 90....
Because of the marvels of drug store hair color products available at $10 or less, anyone, guys and girls can be free of grey hair until the day they die. They can even be buried with dyed hair.

Shout out to Just For Men & Grecian Formula!

Girls do it, guys can do it, too!

It's a more sensitive topic than many people realize. Grey hair color is an indication of a lady or gentleman of "a certain age". 

So, when is the right time to allow the grey hares (ha ha) to take over? The answer is that it's very personal & individual.

FYI ~ Ageism is alive and the last form of discrimination which, while it is illegal, is openly practiced in the USA as well as the entire world.
Ageist attitudes, while it can be aimed at younger people, it is most often aimed at people over the age of 40.

Age shaming is rampant in the world.

Fat shaming? That's a no-no.
Racial comments? Better not!
Disability comments? Danger, danger!
Ethnic negativity? Just say no!
Calling someone "Grandma"? Sure, go ahead, it's so funny. NOT!

Hence, having grey hair marks someone as being older. Not only older, but unattractive, no longer viable. Moreso for women.
Oh, I'm speaking of the natural greying in a person's hair. The hair on their head, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.

Not talking Christian Gray, lol, he's uber hott!

The trendy Salon Silver that many who are in their 20s & 30s, no.
It's so obviously artificial coloring. It's trendy, it's soooo cool!

Many people who went silver temporarily, will go back to whatever their "natural" color is, when being silver is no longer in style.

That sexy silver is viewed as trendy, fashionable, very sexy! The natural greying that occurs with age, most often starting at the temples is often a mark that a person is "just old", "too old", "grandma".
At that time, many women begin their descent into invisibility. They are discounted as less valuable by society unless they have attained high financial status, professional status or social status in the eyes of the world.

Men, on the other hand, although most don't take care of their skin, hair, bodies, minds, spirits as most women do, are viewed differently. An older man with grey or silver hair is viewed as still attractive. 
There are a few guys whom I know personally, who dye their hair, take care of their skin, maintain muscle tone, regularly nourish their spirits. Very few, yet there are a few. These anomalies may do one or two of these or all four. Good on ya dudes!

As I move on through time, as in, I consider myself a life long learner. Am always doing the grav toward anything new, I keep my spirit renewed with every day.

Eventually, as I flow in the river of life, the river of time, I will, fearlessly, completely transition from strawberry blonde to completely grey & silver. 

Rocking it like a silver VIXEN!

Becoming older is optional, I will flow in the river of time.

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