Thursday, January 7, 2021

Age of Wonder


(cue in the voice of the Star Trek announcer) 
The final socially acceptable form of discrimination. These are the attitudes of the human race. 
My mission: 
To examine the outdated attitudes toward people of all different ages whether older or younger. To seek out an understanding of others older or younger. To boldly assist you, who are reading this, to  reconcile within yourself, the value of other humans based on who they are. Not on their age, car they drive, phone they use or any box you previously tried to put them into. To realize that people should only be put in a box after death.

Challenge your preconceptions or they will challenge you.

To a child of 5 years or so, in age, 21 seems quite aged. 30? Ancient! When a person reaches those apex positions, it seems so young. If it doesn't then maybe it's time for a check up!

The same can be said of reaching the age of 40. Age 40 may sound quite old to someone who is still in single digits or as a teenage person. In reality, 40 is a wonderful age to be. 

At age 50, many people are taking on the challenge of their first marathon or even a triathlon. When a person has taken care of their body, their mind, their spirit, age 50 is still quite youthful

At age 60, many people are still running, seeking higher education, some have even become mothers or fathers. Good health is all that is required to be able to continue a happy, fulfilling life.

At age 70, many people might re-unite with a past love or someone totally new. They might have started a second career or even a third one. A septuagenarian could have also been running marathons for many years or might be just starting.

An octogenarian can, quite often, be as active or more physically fit than a person in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or more.

Scientific studies have proved that, barring any catastrophic disease or injury, what a person does to take care of their body makes the difference. What a person does in their teens will affect them in their 20s. What a person does in their 20s will affect them in their 30s, then, so on. 

People who decide, in their 40s or 50s, to get all of their teeth pulled, seeking a dentist to be fitted with dentures, get a doctor to order a walking cane for them? No bueno.
If a person takes care of themselves, age is mostly irrelevant. The stereotypes that held true for many years, apply less now than ever.
Whether a person runs every day or works out at home or at a commercial gym, exercise is extremely important!
A person who has abused their body with excessive tobacco usage, alcohol, junk food (it's called junk for a very good reason). A person who dabbles in illegal substances or even succumbs to the pressure of big pharma. 
Instead of looking into things they could do to improve their health, they allow a medical doctor to prescribe multiple pharmaceuticals.

It makes a huge difference between a person who takes care of their body like a temple or lets it run down like a crack house.
There are far too many crack houses walking around.  😏

My main point is this, take care of your body, it will take care of you!

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