Friday, January 8, 2021

Casual Sex

The phrase, alone, seems titillating with visions of dance clubs filled with a hundred or more beautiful people. The app, Tinder, in the UK, Dates 25. Various illicit web sites where males have lured women in to film a casual sexual act to post online.

In truth, the very phrase is a myth, a misleading misnomer for something so insidious, so damaging to the human psyche. It's damaging equally to guys and girls no matter how willing or unwilling the people are. 

All a person has to do is tune in to the multiple genealogy videos & real life descriptions of the pain from the children who were the result of so called "casual sex." 
At the least?
The act of using another person to satisfy an urge or an itch can skew a males view of women as disposable, lacking in value. Simply an object . 

A casual diversion with potential catastrophic events to follow.

The difference is that it's more complicated for a teen age girl or sometimes one in her 20s or more. With every male that lures  her with flattering words , lies, excessive liquor, her fear & hatred of males starts to grow stronger with each negative experience.
Often she is left with an unexpected pregnancy, no way to contact the biological father, low money or no money. Her fear of what has happened with the shame she might feel, having nowhere to turn, no one to turn to.

Not so casual for her.

Does she try to make herself miscarry the baby, seek out an abortion clinic. Lots of fear, anger, depression, shame. As her hormones surge through her body, it's one more complication she didn't realize that she might have to face.

Even less casual. 

As the male who impregnated her goes about his life, on the lookout for his next sexual encounter. He's thinking that he's quite the stud, seeing girls & women as just for fun.
What he's actually doing is creating the scars on his own psyche, on his own view of 49% of the worlds population. He's shaping the view of 49% of the world population. 

Do you still believe it's casual?

With the readily available DNA testing, many truths have begun to surface. Like the scum in a pond or lake, that which people believe is safely buried will eventually rise to the surface. Because DNA is easier to trace to the mother of a child, again, it's the mother, the woman who was so carelessly used then discarded, who most often bears the pain. It's the pain she will bear from her lapse in judgment. Being so naïve as to believe that the one who uttered such flattery actually meant what was said. In her inexperience, is somewhat convinced that the person seducing her might actually care about her. The start of something meaningful, something good.
In reality, the person said anything they believed was what she wanted to hear. 
Another notch on belt or bed post. She was only a fun diversion.

It's probably sounding less & less casual.

It's easier to trace the mother of a child as there is often a circumstantial trail as well as a paper trail. When a girl/woman checks into a hospital, her fingerprint is taken most of the time that I'm aware of. I could be wrong, I am fine with owning up to a mistake if it's found that I have made one.

Sounding less & less casual.

All it would take is for just one man to be a decent human being to her.

Another route that a pregnancy can take is something I have so much pain even imagining. It's my own personal belief. It may be fine with some people, it's something I know I could never do.
It's obvious that what is being described is termination of the life of the growing fetus.
The most vulnerable people in the world. 
The growing baby is not a giraffe or a puppy. He or she is a person.
Even this act has severe repercussions for a potential mother. If she terminates a pregnancy, most will remember what would have been milestones in a childs life had she chosen to carry the baby to full term. The torment is felt in varying degrees. Often, if more than one or two terminations are done? The human body in all of it's miraculous functions, can learn how to rid the body, naturally, of the developing baby.
A very famous example is the beloved, late, Marilyn Monroe. She was said by a close friend to have had as many as seven fetal terminations early in her career. Her body had learned how to miscarry the baby. She never was able to carry a baby to full term to live her deep desire to become a mother.

Definitely not casual.

So, now, I hope you're still reading. I hope that my blog entry has made you think, given more realization of how sacred the act should be.

Less secret, more sacred.

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