Monday, December 7, 2020

Pastel Thoughts

Today has a dreamy quality to it, for me. Am unsure as to why. It just feels like that. With the changing of the seasons, I'm eating very different foods. Lots of turkey, fresh juiced cranberries, carrot - ginger soup, sweet potato mash with macadamia nuts, scrambled eggs with salmon.
Could that be why?

As an intuitive person, I feel things. Lovely, spiritual things.
Recently, I have felt that there is someone or maybe a few someone's thinking about me.
Hopefully, it doesn't mean I have another stalker.
With the problems I've had with my sewer backing up, toilet over-flowing, people wrongfully accusing me of things I am innocent of.
Maybe it's simple relief that those situations have been worked out or worked themselves out.
Working Out
That may be part of the good feelings I'm having wash over me!
When my gym closed temporarily, I was so sad. I had fallen out of my workout habit. Had also fallen out of clean eating. No bueno!
Now that I'm getting back into a consistent workout habit, I do feel better.
Now that I have, for a few weeks, been regularly working on the needlework exchange project for a guy friend. It feels good to watch the beauty develop, watching the newest Star Trek saga unfold.
Even in north Texas, there's a bit of *SNAP* in the air!

It's a thought or a feeling thinking of someone
It's a room full of puppies with non stop fun
It's the soft jazz playing tickling the ivory's sound
It's the happy mood of the season that I've found 
It's the feeling you get when falling in love
It's the peace that sets in at the sign of the dove
It's the sweet surprise phone call from a long lost friend
It's words of kindly forgiveness which you finally send
It's time honored traditions kept over time
It's me ending these words as I've run out of rhyme

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