Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Hash & Re-hash

Controversy alert!

If you are the sort of person who enjoys intellectual discourse or just got nothin' better to do, read on!  😎

Marilyn Monroe
I love the subtle slope of her shoulder in this photo.

President John F. Kennedy

Nicole Brown Simpson

Natalie Wood


Area 51

Jeffrey Epstein

Princess Diana

People have been writing books, holding interviews, making You Tube videos, digging in dirt about these people as well as the subjects mentioned.. How long?
50 years plus!

Because people know that no one ever got the real truth about these subjects. 
In the case of people, it's glaringly obvious that their murders were a huge cover up. Someone with a lot of power has blood on their hands. Enough power to cause such a cover up. 
Layer upon layer upon such an infinite number of layers, the truth will never be substantiated enough to touch a powerful person or establishment.
It will never matter how much hard, irrefutable evidence there is.

People have never been able to be satisfied that the truth was told, the one(s) responsible for the deaths were never sufficiently held responsible for their crime(s).
A person or organization walked away, completely as well as sometimes relatively free of the consequences that a common person would be made to suffer, had they been devoid of power or strong influence.
With all the evidence presented by eye witness testimony, photographs, DNA evidence, circumstantial proof. A powerful establishment or person can simply say, "Pffft".


Can't touch this.

Just as a person with a metal detector KNOWS there is treasure to be found, they will continue to root around in dirt until the treasure is found.
In this case, the "treasure" is the truth of criminal acts & cover ups.
People will continue to "dig in the dirt" until the truth is found.

Of course, John Q. Public knows that Princess Diana became an inconvenience. A public beheading or hanging would have caused an insurmountable outcry. A rebellion against the monarchy, the likes of which has not been seen since the French rebellion of 1789 - 1799, which abolished the French monarchy. A car crash as in, it was NOT an accident, was used in place of la guillotine or a rope.
Princess Diana hand written a note to a friend that she suspected that she was going to be murdered by car crash at some point.

Marilyn Monroe was told some state secrets whilst in the midst of pillow talk by President JFK as well as his brother RFK. She knew too much. When she was being casually discarded, she did what many women do who are shocked, angry, deeply, devastated. The emotional pain of feeling used then casually discarded as flippantly as one would discard toilet paper after its use. 
Flushed away, believing it's out of their hands, away from them, gone with complete certainty. They got their use from it.

Notice: I refer to a woman as an "it". This is how casually some people use others. Objectively. As an object vs an actual living breathing human. Living, that is, until the last tango.


People who play with the emotions of others, I believe, should be held accountable, yet, the prisons would be overcrowded if that were the case. 
Males who profess that they would never physically harm a female, will manipulate, control, emotionally damage females far more than they ever could if they were to inflict bodily wounds.
Some females strike back. 
Their rage becomes so enormous at having been led on, used, played with, then, discarded. Some females will commit acts that, whilst legal, are devised to cause pain to the male commensurate with the pain the male inflicted so casually upon her.

She will rage on until the rage is gone, until she feels she has gotten her justice, until she can finally feel the peace restored to her soul that was there before her heart was shattered by someone.

Whether she does this or not, the scars on her soul remain.

The excruciating pain may soften to a dull ache, yet, the ability to trust anyone is eroded away a bit at a time.

Why am I tossing this tidbit into a blog entry about injustice?

Answer: The trust of the public in their government as well as their neighbors is eroded away with every lie, every cover up by those in power.
This same feeling is what is experienced world wide by many people when a glaring injustice is committed. Just as a harmed woman will rage over the wrong done to her, the public will NEVER stop digging until they get the truth.
Just as the the harmed woman will not receive closure from the male who hurt her, the public will keep digging, seeking the truth until they get it, which 99% of the time they don't.
The woman gets closure from raging. Right or wrong, she gets it.
For herself, by herself.

If the male mans up to give her a 1 time, sincere, truthful conversation, that's what most women need. Rarely if ever happens.

If the truth of the murders, incidents that had the truth covered up, were told. People would stop, mostly, making documentaries, writing books, magazine articles or even discussing it very much.

The used or wronged or lied to or hurt would have their closure.

It's gratifying to think about.


Santa Clause

Flying Monkeys

Buttless Dogs

The Tooth Fairy

The Easter Bunny

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