Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Body Language

After a full day of work, working out, still more work to whip my house into the retreat from the world, I want it to be.


By 1800, I sat down to work on a challenging needlework design. 

By 1900, I was sah-lee-py!

Too early to go to bed, too late for a nap. Or, was it?

So, I went to my bed, my luscious bed, newly washed linens, smelling so clean, so inviting. Just for a respite.
At 2355, I awoke. I had set an alarm for 00:30, anyway.
It wasn't a noise within nor without. It wasn't the recollection that tomorrow is recycling day & I had yet to set it out to the curb.

My body woke me, parched, crying out for water. My skin was thirsty, my body was telling me that it needed water.
The body can be the boss, sometimes. Pouring some water into a 12 oz. glass, I began to chug!
It was down the hatch in less than 3 minutes, then, I poured another!
I stepped into the shower to drench my skin, it might have been a less than prudent move at 0100. 
Just one of the many perks of adulting, lol! Doing as you need or wish (within reason) at just about any hour of the day or night!

After indulging the body, a delicious indulgence! The body tried to pull a sneak attack, mm hm. Wanting something sweet to eat.


Instead, I realized the body only though it wanted sugar. 
I keep my nuts in the freezer, so, I grabbed a handful of crunchy, cold walnuts. Extra cold = Extra crunch!
Mm Hm. 
Keeping my nuts in the freezer has its perks.

What does all this mean?

I'm babbling with purpose!

We have gotten so far into artificial everything, that many of us have stopped listening to our bodies. When the body may need rest, many will pour another cup or 3 of coffee. When the body is depleted of protein, many will reach for ice cream. 

(You can even download these guides & print them to post on your fridge)

Ghrelin, the hunger hormone, is often misunderstood. 

When ghrelin is telling us it needs protein, it really needs something such as walnuts or a bit of natural beef (sorry, chicken fried steak is not it!). The same goes for late night sugar craving.

What you're craving could be a product of sneaky advertising or learned behaviors that should be nipped in the bud, usually. When you listen to your body, tuning out the clever marketing ploys, the learned behaviors of childhood up to now, it may surprise you.

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