Friday, May 1, 2020

The Ultimate

Many colloquialisms have been spouted & touted as truths. Testament to the belief that all people need other people. That everyone is incomplete without their someone(s). Even if that "someone" is a pet. A substitute for another human when humans have proven to be untrustworthy.

The pet could be a dog or a cat or even a horse or a mouse or a bird. For some, the unkindness of people has left them with more emotional pain than the poor soul could bear. Their faith in humanity was eroded away with each betrayal. With each fellow human who saw them as just another substance to get whatever they can, then disappear when the source either dried up or it was too easy, so they became bored.


There are precious souls in this world who found life on earth with fellow human beings to be more than they could bear. As the person retreats inside themselves with mental/emotional illness as their vehicle, they drift, barely surviving.
Some people will switch sides out of a need to self protect in survival mode. 
They become like the predatory people who set their ultimate wheels in motion to join the predators they had no idea how to beat.

And so, it goes.

Cue in the dogma spouted by the perpetrators to begin with.

The sheeple will trounce happily along following the FOTD.

Questioners of dogma are often fighting a tough battle. These are the Nikola Teslas, Rasputins, Joseph Smiths, Queen Victorias even Elon Musks, Donald Trumps.
Maybe, in an alternate universe, Captain Jean Luc Picard. 🌃

They question, well, just about every theory, idea, dearly held belief that is popular during the time in which they live.

In time, it's shown that they were so far ahead of their time, a time when they were perceived as a brummagem of the world. To be mocked instead of being understood as they were more akin to a mentally intelligent simoom.
Unexpected, misunderstood, mocked behind their backs mostly, yet, sometimes to their faces.

How does one strike a balance?

These geniuses of the past & present sometimes chose to accustom themselves to being alone. Sometimes carefully choosing one to share their lives with, a mate who is strong enough to bear the scruitiny which is a part of their daily lives.
Rare, as rare as they, themselves.

As the title of this fully cognizant blog entry, The Ultimate, you might be wondering wth?


The ultimate is a person, an every day person who is aware of their status as a pariah. Aware that they are misjudged, misunderstood, thought of as weird.
People like to believe they have others "figured out."
Put into a box for the comfort of the one boxing them.

People should only be put into a box when they are dead.

Those people who they can't "figure out" are dismissed, labeled as a psycho, a weirdo, a strange one. It's much easier to label another out of fear or laziness, unwilling to reach for understanding.

The ultimate in human greatness is to resist labeling, seeking to undertand. 

It takes more effort to understand, while the reward is often so great. Worth more than any earthly treasure. 

Seeking this understanding can often give eternal rewards.

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