Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Tomorrow I'll wake up early to start my tasks anew
The setting sun took my inspiration replaced the light 
With darkness and cricket song with barking of dogs
Tomorrow will be good

Tomorrow I will mostly ignore my dreadful cell phone
Preserving my focus my strength my personal goalpost
Motivation will be strong in the freshness of morning
Nature  of tomorrow

While my mind is fresh from dreams with the sweet feels
Tackling all that I want to do with that which I need to do
Grabbing my list with such verve that propels me onward
Doing it tomorrow

When the cold prickles of negativity threaten me I will ignore
When the pangs of regret attempt to close in to distract me
Staying the course is the only way to see with tunnel vision
Tomorrow will be good

The moon is a classic waning crescent tonight as if knowing
Resting tonight will bring the success I wish for tomorrow
The stars above twinkle at me as if encouraging me onward
Retiring early for
Tomorrow's success

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