Friday, May 1, 2020

Stirrings in The Heart

When I lived in Colorado, there was an elderly gentleman that lived in a house just down the hill from the duplex I lived in. Most mornings, I would take my two yorkies down the hill for their morning walk. I noticed him occasionally looking out from his front window watching me with my dogs. One morning, I waved at him. He looked a little embarrassed as he slowly backed away from the window.

A month after that, I was in a local grocery store, I had dropped my water bottle. He leaned over, picked it up, handed it to me. Then, he realized that I was the one he had been watching, as I walked my boys (dogs) past his house in the mornings. We struck up a conversation. Somehow, it was as if we had known each other for a very long time. 

He invited me over to his home for a cup of tea. His intentions were honorable. He was a bit lonely. His children never visited. His beloved wife had passed on 20 years earlier. It became almost a ritual. Walking my boys until they had done their business, were sufficiently worn out. My gentleman friend would put the kettle on for tea, I would stop by his spacious home for a cup of tea.
Our conversations were deep, among other topics, life & philosophy. We could even speak of religion, politics, spirituality with total comfort. 


It was more than a decade in the years gone by
Still remembered so clearly it's enough to make me cry

He was a man just a man yet he was more than that to me
Per chance we met in the right time & place to be

His aged face held stories that could not be written nor told
Stories that can only be felt within the heart which can hold

A man of substance and such worth that the world would discount
As being too old too useless whose stories would never surmount

I saw him as he truly was not as the worlds people would surmise
In his voice there were many sonnets in his every gaze a sunrise

Many hours we sat in conversation connecting heart to heart
No romance no sexual angst just 2 people born many decades apart

Honoring him simply by lending an ever listening heart & mind
With all his wealth of life experience in treasures to ever find

It's a failing of all humans we shall all in bodies pass away
He longed to be with his beloved wife when he went to her that day

Knowing it was always in sight that he would pass on by and by
Thinking of that precious man makes me happy makes me cry

This song makes me think of him.

Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi
(you might have to copy & paste)


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