She is so intelligent, so witty, she is definitely my daughter.
Her sense of humor is similar to my own, yet, different.
It's her own brand of humor!
This girl, this girl! LOL!
Her: So, mama, what's going on with (______ 3 siblings names).
Me: Not sure, really, I don't hear from them much.
Her: Wow! That's kinda nice.
Me: Yes?
Her: Yeah, I always wanted to be an only child!
Her: Mama, you work out a lot. What is your goal?
Me: I would like to get back to my original size.
Her: Wow, I think 7 lbs is a bit unreasonable.
Ha ha!
Her hubby is only a couple years younger than her, she jokingly refers to him as the baby of their family. This is so funny because we both know he's a 6'+ grown man!
Sometimes when he asks something of her, she will reply with:
"What baby wants, baby gets."
Also ~
When she is very tired from her workday as a Northrup Gruman Engineer & he wants her to stay awake a bit longer, her reply?
"When you're my age, you'll understand."
She sent one of the most memorable gifts to me at a time when I truly needed & appreciated it! It was a gift box slash mini piñata. She had hand written over 50 reasons why she loves me on strips of paper to fill the small piñata. WOW!
Recently, I drove to Colorado to help a friend. She and her wonderful hubbs drove to CO from UT for a visit.
I have one more of her witticisms to add.
So, yeah, I love her so much. Over a home cooked meal, we were talking. I told her that if she or her hubbs needed ANYTHING, I would give it to them.
Me: If one of you needed anything, even a kidney, liver, bone marrow, I would give it gladly.
Her: Well, Mama, although it's Autumn, we're not ready to harvest you, yet.
She is so freakin' funny!
There is more in her intelligent mind, where that sprung forth from.
She's 5' nothing, small boned, a stick of TNT, a very slight mischievous streak, a powerhouse in an adorable little package with a heart of gold.
That's my girl!
I treasure our Sunday conversations. She and I talk on phone or facetime nearly every Sunday. She has a busy life, she still makes the time, puts effort behind the words ~
I love you.
I just love that!
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