Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Part of the SOF world

I was born as a female. 

Although I served in the USAF in a male dominated career field, by my gender, I was prevented from even being considered for any of the Special OPs or related career fields.

This is NOT a wah-wah, woe is me, rant in a feminazi ilk.


Because I was born as a female person, I LOVE being very feminine, girlie things, anything feminine in a good way. 
A good mani-pedi-wax, lotions, potions & exploring skin care options ~ YES!

Oh, I can be a bit of a bad ass, just a bit, love a sweaty gym workout. I wear gym clothes to be focused, not sexy.
I also love sportswear, sports equipment, yet, I detest pro sports or watching sports. GAG. Over paid, over protected a holes.
I'm speaking of a ratty gym T-shirt as sports wear. When I bought my first pair of Yoga pants, I was hooked!
Over priced, trendy sports wear is okay, I prefer the low end brands. 
They wear out faster, so, I can buy new, more trendy items at less cost.

This is less about fashion, more about attitude, I have that, too!

Like it was yesterday, I remember my first encounter with guys from the Spec Ops/SOF community. It was a shock to my brain!
It IS a community. A VERY tight knit, worldwide community.
I knew, yet, there was no lament, that I could not directly enter that profession. I might have been able to function as a medical professional who worked in conjunction. I might have been able to be an administrative person in an office.
Other options were to be a girlfriend or wife.

HAH! None of these guys would have given me a chance. They were so far above me, way out of my league. 
I knew it, sadly, I knew it. I did try, though. ☹️
I did some damage to my psyche, myself, from trying. 
That's a blog entry I will not write.

Having been associated with the military in multiples of capacities for my entire life, I have always been attracted to the strong Alpha males who were around.

There was always a longing in me to be a part of that world. Since I had married, had children, was ALWAYS a faithful wife, I could only sit on the sidelines by choice.

I would have been a BAMF if I had been born as a guy! As a female, I already have high T-levels.

Please keep in mind that I know that the personality of these guys has many variations. They may work together in teams to accomplish their objective or their mission. They can still retain individuality, creativity (as in art), somewhat sensitivity.
However, the many myths that girls like me know are only myths, are only suppositions made by fantasizing females! ha ha!

Some of the myths which I heard by simply listening:

Ops & Forces guys have a hardon 24/7. 
(It might be more like 23/7 or 20/5. Just messing w/ya! idk.)

They are all fiercely faithful to their wives, Gf's.
(Some, yes, some, no. They are human like everyone.)

They are all very smart, very intuitive!
(Part of that is selection, part of it is advanced training, experience)

They work out a lot to get those hot bodies.
(Many days, for them, ARE a workout, however, some workouts, yes)

They are never home or not for long.
(Define "home". Define "for long". It's all subjective.)

This is the short list of what I have heard, what I know. Have to keep SOME mystery! It keeps life a bit more sparkled! 
Although I have a few Ops buddies, I won't talk about it or them. It is absolutely true that loose lips can sink ships. Blabbing can also compromise.

I've said enough.

Wishing I could be more involved with that world, with that caliber of guys is just that. A wish. I am not even a dotted "I" or a crossed "T" in the fascinating stories that is the Ops/SOF world. 
I have to be content to admire the quick wit, intelligence, sarcastic attitude, confidence, even a bit of goof ball antics!

I can still wish.


  1. Ahhh..even other guys feel some of this. Although I've accomplished a few things in life, I had an opportunity to do the initial PT test for PJs when I was in Tech School...a PJ recruiter came around to the SP barracks. When I heard the requirements for passing JUST this first tier test, I convinced myself I wouldn't be able to make it...especially the pull-ups. But, bottom line, and one I regret, is that I didn't even try. So, as I've heard about the guys that make in the SF world, they don't have the words "can't" or "quit" in their vocabulary. Most of us "regular" males look at them with some sense of awe, and wonder, could I do that? Would I have been able to cut it? We wonder what makes them different from us. At least, us guys that are honest with ourselves. Some would never admit what I've said here...and some probably don't care at all. But those kinda guys never saw the military as a valid option to begin with! When I was going through recent training to be a school safety guard, we had a former Green Beret Team guy working as a range safety guy for the sheriff's office. I found myself constantly studying him...his quiet confidence, solid physique even at what appeared to be his mid to late 40s...his last post was here in Florida at McDill AFB, Special Ops Command. He talked about a couple of details but general locations, frogman stuff...etc. He was the team medic, and so his specialty for the sheriff's office is medical preparedness. There is just some mystique about these guys, and its inexplicable.

    1. Thank you for your well spoken, well thought out comment. I appreciate the insight you shared! We will have to sit down irl & catch up, sometime, when I make it to FLA. You know, find the answer to world peace, create a cure for some unknown diseases. *smile*



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