Sunday, October 11, 2015

Another Improvement, Another Milestone!

Woo hooooo!

Okay, so, it may seem small, yet, to me, it's HUGE!

As someone who was in phenomenal physical condition starting out as a military cop. At 18 I could run faster than anyone in my training unit out of 25 girls. I could run 8 miles faster AND feel great afterward, very short recovery time required before my breathing & heartbeats returned to a normal rate for me. 

After marrying, separating from the USAF, then, giving birth to 4 sweet babies, I slowed down drastically! Had to slow down to take care of the hubbs career demands, housework, children, no time or energy for exercise. 

Slowly the pounds piled on. With every sweet baby, I felt my metabolism slow a bit more. Having "fat genetics" was yet another factor. It was an excuse, a free pass, I gave myself for weight gain.

Finally, I reached a point where I was fat as hell & wanted my healthy, slim body back! Against the odds stacked up to deter me, I decided it was time.

What were the hurdles to overcome?
- Learned behaviors in bad eating habits from childhood 
- Sabotage by the huzz
- Discouragement at how hard it was going to be
- Slow metabolism 

Still, I was going to do it!
In previous BLOG posts, I wrote of many experiences in my fitness journey. Some of it has been left out. Partly because it's too personal or too emotionally painful or would be very tedious reading.

I've spared you some tedium on that. :)

Having been on this journey for a long time, I have received some very hurtful body shaming. Even as I'm working so hard every day, making strides, the discounting of all the hard work & struggles, it hurt deeply. Mainly because it came from people who were supposed to love me, who should have been supportive.

It's an imperfect world, my friends.

The ex huzz constantly made disparaging remarks
A longtime friend who told me how selfish it was for me to 
take 1 - 2 hours for my daily workouts (no longer a friend).
My own daughter who saw me at my heaviest weight 
A guy who I dated briefly for good reasons 

It's easier to believe the bad things.

Recently I have been making greater progress with planking, using my juicer 2-3  days per week. Also snacking on walnuts, raw cauliflower, celery bites. 

From the strictness of childhood then the restriction of clothing when I was a practicing member of the LDS Church, I never felt I could wear sleeveless tops.

As my body changes, developing more muscle, becoming more lean, I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT A LOT!
Yesterday, I decided to just try on the new workout tops designed to cover the shape of a sports bra. WOW! It looked so good!
My shoulders have so much more definition.

I bought 2. A dark blue & a bright pink, cuz, you know, I'm still a girl, I like things to match. :P

Wearing the blue one to the gym, instead of all covered up by a Tshirt! 
A year ago or even 6 months ago, I would have felt uncomfortable being out in public wearing sleeveless clothing.
Although I'm a conservative girl, I love the way this looks & feels!

The good changes are here to stay.

I think I will believe the good things, now!

Off to the gym.

Y'all have a beautiful day!!


  1. You are a beautiful woman and I am so glad you have learned that others do not define you...only you define you. Your hard work and commitment is truly admirable and I have told have given me inspiration and advice in the past that meant so much. Keep at it! Live strong!

  2. cautious1 is me, chuck, by the way

    1. Kinda thought it was you, Chuck. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement



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