Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Fall in Love

With so much beauty in the world along with the modern access to everything, it's like getting a wee sip from a fire hydrant.
Is this a good thing?

As one who is passionate in my crafting, it would be safe to say that pursuing just one more beautiful pattern can be a bit of an obsession. It's the items that find me. In explanation, the items will appear in many unrelated places on the net. These will infuse my creative spirit to cause it to run wild in all the possibilities.
Poking around on the world wide web which is the entire planet with the casting of the proverbial net that brings a challenging search then a satisfying haul over then over again.
No money involved.

It's more than just ideas in how I can use patterns to fulfill my own desires to create. It's also the fascination, admiration, wondrous endless awe at the creations of others. Recognition of the talent on display from people I don't know, most likely will never meet in person, it plays its part! 
My deep gratitude for having met some of the designers in person.
It takes one to know one! Hah!
When I'm with my favorite things, then I don't feel so sad.
My favorite things surround me. Still, if I'm telling the truth, sometimes I truly do feel a bit of melancholy. Sadness. Whatever your dear heart wishes to name it.
Most of the designs I choose to start, give an infusion of wonder mixed with excitement. The newness stays for varying amounts of time. Eventually, the newness wears off. Either my time to work the design ends or I just become bored with it. 

This beauty is a Mirabilia designed by Nora Corbett, it's titled ~ Gathering Eggs. In time there will be a basket with eggs in it.

I find that when I'm working a large design, taking a short break serves to renew the joy, the fascination, the desire to do it! This break can last from 6 hours to sometimes as long as a few days.
The same can be said of a longtime friend where interactions & conversations will simply resume where they left off days, weeks or even years ago.
The same can also be said of a romantic entanglement. Sometimes a welcome one, sometimes less welcome. With the romantic sort, in my experience, it's better to leave the past in the past. I have personally, given second chances. SSDD.
Lesson learned, no second chances to give prior romantic stuff.

From the second chances I have given, it's a much better idea to stick with crafts. Mostly my needlework. When guys have boomeranged back around, 95 % have an ulterior motive. They have gotten married, are bored with it, are looking for sex or ego strokes to cure their boredom, no matter how much it will hurt me. Some are single & 98% still looking to just get laid.
There is also the dry spell situation. The agenda is to spice up their life no matter how much it hurts me when they decide to disappear....... again. Ghosting. Use your imagination or Google.

When I pick up where I left off with a creative project, the surge of excitement, renewed interest, goal to be reached, what a RUSH! Before I even start to work on the future heirloom, just looking at the progress made will give me an extra push to keep going! I do finish many of my projects.

When a stitcher has yet to frame or finish off a project so that the piece can be flipped over to view the backside of the stitching. Some stitchers get squeamish about it. 
It's a bit rude to ask someone if you can view their backside. 
I'll just get this over with ha ha! My stitching is most often just as neat on the front as it is on the backside.
The top photo is the front, the second is my backside.  😎

As the time to take a break approaches, looking at the beauty of my progress of turning whatever it is into whatever it is meant to become, it's very satisfying. 
Eons more satisfying than a love affair rerun. 
The feeling to me, seeing my progress, is the very same feeling as falling in love in a good way.
It's much clearer, few if any lies, beneficial to mind, body & spirit. The completion of the work of art is more love, joy, satisfaction. Less of the heartache, pain, betrayal of the ending of a love affair.

My stitching is the safe way to fall in love vs falling for B.S. Many people mistake one for the other.

Most often when a design is smaller, I tend to stick with it exclusively, start to finish. Monogamous stitching. lol.

This is a sweet little Hardanger medallion that fit the inside bottom surface of a handmade wooden lidded box that I gave as a gift. It's just three inches in symmetrical diameter.
The stitching method is Hardanger embroidery. Hardanger embroidery would be a whole different blog entry on its own.

One small change can give the finished project a different look.

This is from Just Nan designs, designed by Nan Caldera. The name is ~ Beach Roses. Many of Nan's designs are so symmetrical, I tie a scrap of light-colored embroidery floss to remind me as to where the top is. Did you wonder?  😁

Sometimes I get a challenge, a challenge to me anyway. 
Spherical designs.
This is a design requested by a friend in trade for a beautiful painting. He is quite the artist! He didn't know of my spherephobia when it has to do with stitching. It's a real phobia! I fear stitching spherical designs in a bigger size. The fear is that it will be flat where it's supposed to be round which makes it look like a flat tire! Stitching this one cured me of my phobia. Thanks, friend. 😇

The temptation to start a new project is always there. 

For now, I will continue to finish projects I started weeks, months, even years ago. 
Famous last words.

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