Monday, April 11, 2022

Keys To the Universe in Front of Your Eyes

Here it is, in black and white both figuratively & literally. They have different definitions. They are also often mistaken for each other as well as used together.

As one who is a deep thinker, often, I wonder if very many people think about some of the gobbledy gook swimming around in my brain. Also, do I think like other people think?
In truth, it doesn't matter to me if I'm different from others. As I have been told many times that I'm multi-faceted, far from the usual, that I'm extremely creative in the way I do things.
Well, that doesn't sound annoying!
(Ha ha!)

For as far back in life as I can remember, that goes back to when I was 18 months of age, then, when I learned how to write at age 4 years, I started writing it all down. Sometimes in poetry, sometimes in journal entries. Sometimes the entries are even accompanied by pictures I hand drew. 
Yep, I have kept all of them! Snapshots in time.

When my mother went snooping around in my things, when I was in 1st grade, while I was at school, as she often did, she found just 2 of the 7 notebooks. She read through them.
When I returned to home after school, that day, she sat me down, confronted me with the 2 notebooks she had found. She asked me if I truly believed what I had written or was I just being creative or silly.
It was too bad that people don't have conversation balloons over their heads so that other people will see what another person is thinking or feeling. 
It would have benefitted me greatly in that instance!
She told me that if I truly believed what I had written that she was going to take me to a psychiatrist to have my head examined!
I knew this was an idle threat from listening to my parents arguing about money plus everything they wanted yet couldn't afford. They could barely afford to pay utility bills as well as food for their children!
Even as a first grader, I recognized this.

This one confrontation caused me to keep what I thought about, dreamed about, wanted to do with my life, for most of my life, to myself.
 When I observed things in the world, it seemed to me that everything had a particular order. For things to be kept in order, there had to be rules, consequential unspoken laws that guided, produced natural consequences, kept things in place or put them back in place if they veered off course too far.
I know - I know! It's Physics! I didn't know the term at the time I wrote in one of my notebooks.
Furthermore, the laws of Physics are different in different parts of the Universe.

Many people live with these keys to the Universe every day without realizing it. Then again, many people do realize it.
Shout out to smart people, everywhere!

The laws of the Universe that I had thought about as well as seen at that time were these, yet, unlimited other laws, too.

There are hills & valleys or highs & lows in everything.
Human bodies
Animal bodies
Insect bodies
Mechanical inventions
The basic form in biology is that the sperm chases the egg.
(Sorry, guys, not sorry, you must pursue)

Everything has an opposite
That which can become very cold can also become very hot. Most often, it's equal in opposition unless acted upon by an outside force.

People who are kind are most often happier people.
(I chose to be a kind person early on in life.)

Everything eats something to continue to live.
(Except pineapple, lol, an acidic one will eat you right back! Even as you are consuming it, it eats at the mouth, lips, tongue, gums)

Many critical elements were discovered by people vs the oft believed adage that they were invented by people.
There have been millions of inventions, written books, composed music, artwork, ways of doing things etc. These are all out there waiting to be discovered or waiting to be actualized by people who seek them. With diligence, patience, earnest seeking, they will often be brought forward by the right person at the right time.
Sometimes the idea is correct, yet the rest of the world is still in a process to receive it. People who are ahead of their time are heavily criticized by those who are still in the process of developing to receive it. 
Other factors such as fear of the strange or new, jealousy, a dislike for the discoverer in whatever they do also have a bearing on it.

Another major key:
Gravity is a concept that nearly everyone accepts, yet, at the time the idea of it was introduced it caused a whole lotta ruckus. It's been over 400 years since the idea of gravity & the idea that the Earth is slowly turning, revolving around the sun. This theory had been discussed many times before Copernicus published his findings.
Copernicus published his theory regarding gravity when he was on his death bed. People brushed it off as him being mentally ill as he was growing closer to death.
When Galileo picked up where Copernicus left off, he was arrested, made to stand in trial for heresy.
Sir Isaac Newton further pushed the idea forward. He was a highly respected scientist during his time.

Yep, as a child of 5 years of age, I thought about such things. My beloved maternal grandfather was a deep thinker of vast intelligence, wisdom, curiosity, humor, kindness & patience. He was also a lifelong learner. My grandparents had a piano that was not being used, much. My grandmother saw it as one more thing to dust, she wanted to get rid of it. In his mid 60's (I'm guessing) my grandfather decided to learn to play the piano. It was a stab through his heart when the piano teacher decided grandpa was tone deaf.
Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. 
Maybe he simply had a lazy piano teacher that was unwilling to be patient enough to teach him. Grandpa gave it his best effort, then, agreed that the piano would be gotten rid of.

Another key to the Universe is the power of color.
It has been proved over and over that certain colors make most people happy or feel safe or even repulse them altogether dependent on their life experience. 
Just one of my own experiences is that, I had a black & red phase, a few years ago. Shortly before I moved to Texas, I got rid of half of all that I owned.
The bedroom set that I bought was all shiny black lacquered with accents of silver chrome. The bedframe & headboard were upholstered in black leather. I chose black bed linens & a black and red set of bed linens. I thought little of it, I started having insomnia more often than usual for me.
When I started reading about sleep & sleep disorders, it was there, over and over again. The colors in the room where you sleep can have an impact on a persons sleep or lack of it.
The many studies showed that the color "white" makes most people feel safe. 
The color "red" gives a feeling of energy, passion sometimes anger.
The color "black" can convey authority, a slight feeling of protection.
The color "yellow" makes people feel more at ease, also inspires many people to be happy or creative or wanting to learn something.

This covers the gist of it!

I changed the colors of my bedroom. I bought beautiful solid white, high thread count white bed linens. I donated the black & red linens to make someone else happy. My sleep did improve slightly.
When I was gifted a beautiful medium fern green Hawai'ian quilt, I got rid of just the white comforter for the beautiful hand made quilt. Having wanted one for so long, it was quite a thrill for me to actually have one!
Sure, I could have made one for myself. I, simply hadn't done it. Most of the items I had hand made in previously were given to others as gifts. This beautiful quilt was all mine! (Happy dance!)

I still have chronic insomnia, my creative mind is tough to turn off!

Sometimes, I put my insomnia to good use.

Like skeletons in the family closet, making them dance can be fun!

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