Friday, April 29, 2022

Names of Demons


Since the dawn of time as humans recall, there have been demons on the earth, in the proverbial heavenly realm. At times, even inhabiting living beings of differing sorts.

Some of the degenerate products from Hollywood & other media sources have distorted, desensitized, essentially made people less aware of the demons on the earth in this modern world we live in. In the distant past, strong drink with high ABV was most commonly referred to as "spirits".
Does it make you wonder?
Does it make you say, hmmm?
Just a little?
When a person is imbibing, it often changes their personality. Some for the better, some for the others. Inhibitions are usually minimized. 

Sober thoughts that were safely held in check, come spilling out!

Maybe I was a bit naive, possibly, still am. I had never been drunk dialed until long after a deeply painful divorce. Possibly because nearly everyone I knew didn't drink alcohol. The call was not from the ex huzz. If it had been, I wouldn't have picked up. 
As silly as this may sound, I was fascinated, fixated, listening to the drunk who I barely knew, spill his innermost thoughts he had when he was sober. I listened, laughed about it, from around 12 midnight to 4 am! After the call ended, I lay there in the softness of my bed, wondering what had gotten into him.
It must have been the spirits! 😎

The names of demons are tossed around in todays world, so casually, many people don't realize the power the names have. Many people also believe that demons are a thing of the past, figments of imagination. It's also said that until one experiences it first hand, for themselves, being one of a sound, healthy mental/emotional state, many will chalk it up to the person being "crazy", a nut case, even buckets of crazy.
The experience happens firsthand.
Then, a believer in the spirit world is born.

Having lived with this throughout my entire life, it was a surprise to me that most people have never experienced interactions with angels, demons, divine intervention. The spiritual life chose me.

Words have power. More power than many people realize. Several times I heard people in conversation stating that another person is hopeless or evil or crazy or worthless.
The other person will pipe up, saying, 
"Don't speak that over him/her."
Without a full realization of the power of these words, the negativity was rejected.

Before going forward, I want to say, I have made my own mistakes, so far from perfect, I need a new phrase for far from perfect! 

This has been a long-held belief, a truth, if you will as a testament to the power of words.
Now, for the "meat" of the idea. 
The names of demons that many will claim, don't exist, have power over the people of the world whether they are believed in or not.
Just speaking these names aloud can feel heavy, can feel dark & negative. Many people often hesitate to say them aloud. As if the demons will be brought to life, as indeed they might be.


In addition to this?

It's very common for men to say that an ex or current one in his life is "crazy".
When a guy says his ex or current squeeze is "crazy" what he is REALLY revealing is that he acted like a jerk. He could possibly have cheated on her or over spent the amount of money they had agreed upon, earlier or any number of assorted hurtful actions. 
In place of accepting responsibility for his actions he will state that the woman is "a psycho" or "crazy" or that he doesn't know what "her problem" is.
He knows. 
He chooses the lower road, blaming someone for their reaction to his cruel treatment or being irresponsible with resources.

The Bible warns people of the damaging effects of gluttony. It's one of the sins that the Bible warn us of that is the most common in the world, now.
Eating or overeating of foods simply because of a craving or because it tastes good. Really, any other reason besides hunger.
The world wide obesity epidemic is the result of the most often committed sin of eating for any other reason than feeling hunger. Genuine, hollow feeling in the belly hunger, eating because you must. Not because you want to, but, out of necessity for health. Choosing foods that are real, actual foods for their nutritional value.

You probably have the gist of it. 
When these words are tossed around casually, it may diminish their impact when spoken aloud, the potential power remains. The effects of the words will remain long after they are spoken out loud. The venom is out, the only antidote is to speak or say or even think them less.
There's the hope.

When you make a conscious effort to think to yourself in positive terms, rephrasing the negative into the positive before speaking. 
The start of all this is inside your head where your thoughts can make the biggest difference in your own personal life.

Please, choose your words carefully around children or any very vulnerable person. It can make such a positive difference.

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