Life works best when it's in balance!
So says the many people who are life coaches, life gurus, psychologists, philosophers, etc. Balance your diet, keep your work - personal - professional aspects in balance.
Balance your sleep, balance your eating, balance your spirituality or whatever have you.
Keep it moving, keep it in balance, peeps!
After reading the hype, actually taking one for a SPIN, lusting after one for a minute, it was time to treat myself.
Yupp, ha ha!
A brand new shiny Gaiam balance ball chair.
There were a few glitches in the ordering online process. We got there! We compared, we ordered, we waited. We tore the box opened & put it together LIKE A BOSSETTE!
Taking the ball to a local tire shop to get it aired up, home girl was skipping the hand pump. 😁
Finally, it was time to sit, stay.
It felt a bit weird at first. The ball is on rolling casters, so, it took a couple times of falling on my grass to learn how to grab onto the backrest, steady it, keep it in place. THEN, sit down.
Standing up. Mm Hm. Learning to stand straight up, very dependent upon glutes, hammies & feet planted firmly on the floor.
The alternative was more of falling on my grass again & again.
There were a few sensations that set in after day 1 of sitting on "la chair" while working. Being so focused on the work I was doing, it escaped notice, until I went to bed.
The buns were sore & had a little burn.
The thighs felt a bit tighter, the abs, too!
Nice bennies, balance ball chair!
Also, every few minutes or so, lifting my feet off the floor, raising my knees & doing a bit of gentle bouncing is fun.
Yes, there are other ways to get the same benefit, this was my choice!
I thought that buying & using my personal bidet was cool.
This was more than cool, it was ice hot!
When someone I spoke with, who is also using a balance ball, "the clench" was mentioned. Yupp. Have to clench the boo-tay to sit down, to stand up, several times to stay on the ball! (so punny).
The verdict?
I like it!
The chair is comfortable, gives the side benefit of strengthening the buns, thighs, abs & la clench. Ha ha!
Some people may like it, some, less so. It's a keeper for me!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Monday, May 25, 2020
Something Beautiful
Life is a snowflake
a free falling star
a fragile reminder
of all that we are
Born of a raindrop
laced by the breeze
spinning through space
dancing through trees
A diamond of light
a gem of the sun
a journey of hope
a new life begun
by Charles Ghigna
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tomorrow I'll wake up early to start my tasks anew
The setting sun took my inspiration replaced the light
With darkness and cricket song with barking of dogs
Tomorrow will be good
Tomorrow I will mostly ignore my dreadful cell phone
Preserving my focus my strength my personal goalpost
Motivation will be strong in the freshness of morning
Nature of tomorrow
While my mind is fresh from dreams with the sweet feels
Tackling all that I want to do with that which I need to do
Grabbing my list with such verve that propels me onward
Doing it tomorrow
When the cold prickles of negativity threaten me I will ignore
When the pangs of regret attempt to close in to distract me
Staying the course is the only way to see with tunnel vision
Tomorrow will be good
The moon is a classic waning crescent tonight as if knowing
Resting tonight will bring the success I wish for tomorrow
The stars above twinkle at me as if encouraging me onward
Retiring early for
Tomorrow's success
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Rise of Misogyny
Since the beginning of time, the world has been mostly dominated by men. If a woman was to have much of a happy life, she either had to remain single, enlist the help of men or both. A woman with a great sum of money, properties, etc. was highly sought after. Every man knew that by law, whatever the woman had would belong to him, she would have very little or no say in the matter, after the fateful for the female, wedding vows were made. Legal.
As soon as a woman married a man, everything of hers was no longer hers.
Even if she had a child from a previous relationship or marriage, the child became her husbands property, also. Even if she had worked to build a profitable business? Even if her fortune was from her family money, it was no longer hers.
If toads fell from her mouth or she laid golden eggs, she lost it all. Whatever toads fell from her mouth, whatever golden eggs she laid, became the property of the man she married.
As soon as a woman married a man, everything of hers was no longer hers.
Even if she had a child from a previous relationship or marriage, the child became her husbands property, also. Even if she had worked to build a profitable business? Even if her fortune was from her family money, it was no longer hers.
If toads fell from her mouth or she laid golden eggs, she lost it all. Whatever toads fell from her mouth, whatever golden eggs she laid, became the property of the man she married.
It has only been, at least in the USA, since 1960, that women and children were no longer property of their husbands & fathers. Males could as well as did, as they pleased regarding wives & children. If a man grew tired of or bored with or had any unpleasant situation, regarding his wife, he sometimes killed her if he was poor, put her away in a convent or asylum for the mentally/emotionally ill, if he was wealthy.
Likewise with the children.
They could be loaned out, put out, killed, used for sexual pleasure or even sold.
Boys were treated thusly until the age of 21 or until they could fight back. Girls were nearly mandated to live with their parents until they married. Most marriages were arranged for the girls, sometimes as wee as 14 yrs.
Rape was common. If a girl "got herself with child" it was her problem unless the father of the child was unmarried, willing to accept responsibility.
Those were very bleak times to be female.
Caveat ~ In spite of the 90% Negative - 10% positive romantic experiences with males, I still love men. I love their scent, their voices, their world views. I especially love it when I see or hear of a guy who truly strives to be a good person.
Testosterone is a VERY hard-to-handle force.
I know this first hand, as I have higher testosterone than most girls.
The more rights & advances females make, the more angry males are becoming. I see the misogyny online, mostly. It's a safe place for an angry male to, from his keyboard in anonymity, fire away at females.
Reducing them to T & A, using offensive sexist ploys to vent their anger & frustration at all females of the world, past & present, whoever hurt them or angered them or was simply female.
I see the barrage on social media, on Star Trek FB pages, of sexy school girls in Star Trek bikinis, the photos of men ogling their wives breasts in public. Looking closer at this, it actually looks like a camera angle misinterpreted to be whatever perversion some bloke online wanted it to mean.
I see the barrage on social media, on Star Trek FB pages, of sexy school girls in Star Trek bikinis, the photos of men ogling their wives breasts in public. Looking closer at this, it actually looks like a camera angle misinterpreted to be whatever perversion some bloke online wanted it to mean.
One day, on the Star Trek: Picard FB page, after the 5th sexist post within less than an hour, I protested.
What was the response?
The response was to stalk, skulk & dig around for the *ONE* post I had ever posted of an attractive topless man. That was just *ONE* post of mine vs 50 posts submitted & approved by an admin person, of scantily clad girls, some of these girls look to be around 16. Most of the males on the page are advanced in age sufficient to be the fathers & grandfathers of the girls they are ogling.
The admins have to approve the posts, most of the admins are male.
The women were silent except for one female admin who simply regurgitated something said by a male on the FB page.
Occasionally, a guy who sees the hatefulness & horny school boy immaturity being perpetuated, he will speak up. He is soon targeted by the prior mentioned, along with targeting me.
In truth?
This is only the surface of a bigger problem.
Along with the Japanese invasion of video entertainment, then, the addiction of video gaming, it has created a monster force of generations of disenfranchised males.
The feeling of winning, going to a higher level, the prestige of being revered by other gamers.
This has replaced the ambition & satisfaction that boys & men used to derive mostly from athletics, education, hard work, success & achievement.
Having watched this with horror, no one wants to hear about it, read it or even admit to it.
Having watched this with horror, no one wants to hear about it, read it or even admit to it.
Many of the ambitions to achieve status in life have been replaced with achievement of a higher game score, a higher level in World of Warcraft amongst a long list of other highly addictive activities.
Video gaming has shunted off the very essence of masculinity in males who used to have a firm handshake. It has been replaced by mushy palms & muscular thumbs. The golden appearance from being outdoors has been replaced by a pallor, red rimmed eyes. The weight gain from too many unhealthy snacks & highly caffeinated liquids to maintain a high energy level in gaming have also shunted off social skills needed to succeed at personal relationships.
There are too many males who are in their late twenties, 30s, even on into their 40s & 50s still playing online as they did in college or childhood or both.
It is my belief that the semi death of masculinity from the Japanese invasion of detrimental very small, slow growth tech addiction, is only a part of the growing misogyny.
Another part is that the power shift is very uncomfortable for the male population. They no longer own their females & children.
Male domination was a very difficult position to lose.
Also, males are becoming feminized, beginning in public as well as sometimes private schools. A BIG mistake was to take away the breaks of recess throughout the school day.
Male domination was a very difficult position to lose.
Also, males are becoming feminized, beginning in public as well as sometimes private schools. A BIG mistake was to take away the breaks of recess throughout the school day.
Most male children NEED that physical activity throughout the day to be able to focus on their school work.
Some female children need it, too, however, that beautiful facet of the male born trait to be strong, to run, jump, to conquer, to achieve, is more common in male children.
So, early in life, males are being feminized. Then, addiction to substances (nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, etc) along with siphoning their innate desire to achieve into virtual lives online, video gaming, second lives, virtual lives.
Turning to pornography often goes hand in hand with computer interaction. It provides the same thrill.
Pornography lights up the same pleasure areas in the brain as second life & gaming.
Pornography lights up the same pleasure areas in the brain as second life & gaming.
Many males are wasting their children's childhoods. Many men are wasting time they could have spent strengthening their relationships with their wives as well as sacrificing time they could have better spent maintaining the bonds of friendship, along with their extended families.
Whether it's pornography, computer second lives & games, heroin, alcoholism. The result is the same.
Yes, there are women who do this, too, yet, unfortunately the vast majority are male.
For this, among many reasons, I admire men who spend their time improving their homes. Creating a beautiful living environment, building, improving their property. Getting out there to push their physical endurance.
**This is NOT to include professional, over paid athletes. **
I love to see the look of satisfaction on a mans face from a fence he built, a piece of furniture he created or re-finished, satisfaction in seeing a business he built, rise to be successful.
When a man can control his impulses to over indulge in unhealthy practices (we all need to indulge a little, time to time), he has already accomplished so much.
By turning toward that which will give him real satisfaction instead of the false sense of achievement in electronic pursuits, he edifies himself greatly. When he does this while maintaining self respect as well as courtesy to all with the natural gentlemanly attitude toward females, he has accomplished so much!
It is my belief that the voluntary, self disempowerment is at the root of the hatred or at least disdain that comes out in the mostly online misogyny.
The answer is for more men to be more masculine. Turning away from the substances which steal their ability, siphon off their social skills, give them a false sense of achievement.
Turning toward the wonderful traits of true, healthy masculinity. Take back that firm handshake, take back the feeling that being chivalrous gives. The art of truly being a gentleman.
Take back the feeling of being a good man who rises up from his pseudo electronic world, takes care of his responsibilities to his people.
Responsibilities to strengthen the relationships in his life, ultimately his world.
Mothers & Fathers will eventually pass on. Brothers & Sisters will, too, eventually.
Wives will feel the neglect.
Children will grow into adulthood.
Friendships will wither without time invested.
The list can continue on. The point has been made.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Stirrings in The Heart
When I lived in Colorado, there was an elderly gentleman that lived in a house just down the hill from the duplex I lived in. Most mornings, I would take my two yorkies down the hill for their morning walk. I noticed him occasionally looking out from his front window watching me with my dogs. One morning, I waved at him. He looked a little embarrassed as he slowly backed away from the window.
A month after that, I was in a local grocery store, I had dropped my water bottle. He leaned over, picked it up, handed it to me. Then, he realized that I was the one he had been watching, as I walked my boys (dogs) past his house in the mornings. We struck up a conversation. Somehow, it was as if we had known each other for a very long time.
He invited me over to his home for a cup of tea. His intentions were honorable. He was a bit lonely. His children never visited. His beloved wife had passed on 20 years earlier. It became almost a ritual. Walking my boys until they had done their business, were sufficiently worn out. My gentleman friend would put the kettle on for tea, I would stop by his spacious home for a cup of tea.
Our conversations were deep, among other topics, life & philosophy. We could even speak of religion, politics, spirituality with total comfort.
It was more than a decade in the years gone by
Still remembered so clearly it's enough to make me cry
He was a man just a man yet he was more than that to me
Per chance we met in the right time & place to be
His aged face held stories that could not be written nor told
Stories that can only be felt within the heart which can hold
A man of substance and such worth that the world would discount
As being too old too useless whose stories would never surmount
I saw him as he truly was not as the worlds people would surmise
In his voice there were many sonnets in his every gaze a sunrise
Many hours we sat in conversation connecting heart to heart
No romance no sexual angst just 2 people born many decades apart
Honoring him simply by lending an ever listening heart & mind
With all his wealth of life experience in treasures to ever find
It's a failing of all humans we shall all in bodies pass away
He longed to be with his beloved wife when he went to her that day
Knowing it was always in sight that he would pass on by and by
Thinking of that precious man makes me happy makes me cry
This song makes me think of him.
Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi
(you might have to copy & paste)
The Ultimate
Many colloquialisms have been spouted & touted as truths. Testament to the belief that all people need other people. That everyone is incomplete without their someone(s). Even if that "someone" is a pet. A substitute for another human when humans have proven to be untrustworthy.
The pet could be a dog or a cat or even a horse or a mouse or a bird. For some, the unkindness of people has left them with more emotional pain than the poor soul could bear. Their faith in humanity was eroded away with each betrayal. With each fellow human who saw them as just another substance to get whatever they can, then disappear when the source either dried up or it was too easy, so they became bored.
There are precious souls in this world who found life on earth with fellow human beings to be more than they could bear. As the person retreats inside themselves with mental/emotional illness as their vehicle, they drift, barely surviving.
Some people will switch sides out of a need to self protect in survival mode.
They become like the predatory people who set their ultimate wheels in motion to join the predators they had no idea how to beat.
And so, it goes.
Cue in the dogma spouted by the perpetrators to begin with.
The sheeple will trounce happily along following the FOTD.
Questioners of dogma are often fighting a tough battle. These are the Nikola Teslas, Rasputins, Joseph Smiths, Queen Victorias even Elon Musks, Donald Trumps.
Maybe, in an alternate universe, Captain Jean Luc Picard. 🌃
They question, well, just about every theory, idea, dearly held belief that is popular during the time in which they live.
In time, it's shown that they were so far ahead of their time, a time when they were perceived as a brummagem of the world. To be mocked instead of being understood as they were more akin to a mentally intelligent simoom.
Unexpected, misunderstood, mocked behind their backs mostly, yet, sometimes to their faces.
How does one strike a balance?
These geniuses of the past & present sometimes chose to accustom themselves to being alone. Sometimes carefully choosing one to share their lives with, a mate who is strong enough to bear the scruitiny which is a part of their daily lives.
Rare, as rare as they, themselves.
As the title of this fully cognizant blog entry, The Ultimate, you might be wondering wth?
The ultimate is a person, an every day person who is aware of their status as a pariah. Aware that they are misjudged, misunderstood, thought of as weird.
People like to believe they have others "figured out."
Put into a box for the comfort of the one boxing them.
People should only be put into a box when they are dead.
Those people who they can't "figure out" are dismissed, labeled as a psycho, a weirdo, a strange one. It's much easier to label another out of fear or laziness, unwilling to reach for understanding.
The ultimate in human greatness is to resist labeling, seeking to undertand.
It takes more effort to understand, while the reward is often so great. Worth more than any earthly treasure.
Seeking this understanding can often give eternal rewards.
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