Friday, September 18, 2015


Let me be your hero.......

The song by Enrique Iglesias warms my heart every time I hear it. He's saying the words I have never heard first hand nor any derivative of them.
The words that would turn my heart of stone coldness into a warm sweet one.
Just as it was before it was abused then broken for the last time.

A virgin heart. Ha ha!

He says in a whisper, "Let me be your hero"

I melt at that point although I am usually holding plank position or on the StairMaster or on the eliptical, yup, I melt when hearing that.
Regulars at the gym where I workout marvel at how happy I look when I'm working out. They don't know of the playlist on my Mp3 player titled No BOHICA! or Maybe they have an idea of it!
Different shizz does it for different peeps!

Another reason is that I was in Las Vegas last year for Christmas with someone at The Chippendales show the first time I REALLY heard it.
Part of the show was a strip tease number where the guys paraded out in US Navy Summer White military uniforms ending up in nothing on except red white & blue boxers & smiles!

Had never seen the movie An Officer & A Gentleman, partly because I'm not much of a Richard Gere fan. However, after the show, my buddy mentioned that the movie did almost as much to spur people to enter the military as Top Gun! 

Arriving back home in Texas, I pulled up An Officer & A Gentleman on You Tube to watch for freebies then added the Enrique Iglesias tune, Hero to my No BOHICA playlist on my Mp3 player.

So, yeah, good times, fond memories of Las Vegas.

The song says everything I would want to hear, however, only if it were sincere. Guys try some sneaky words & maneuvers to try to get into my little pink lace panties. yet, it doesn't work.

If I have learned anything I have learned to ignore a guys words, to watch his actions. Have learned the 90 day rule. Watch his actions for 90 days to see who he really is.
Refrain from making out with him or sleeping with him.

A truly caring guy who is sincere, will stick around. Players will vanish before 90 days are up. 

Enrique croons ~ 

Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back?
Would you cry if you saw me crying?
Would you save my soul tonight?

Not sure how dancing, running & crying would save his soul but, umm kay.

Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh, please tell me this.
Now would you die for the one you love?
Oh, hold me in your arms tonight.

Sounds like a test! Ha ha! So, if she trembles, doesn't laugh, would volunteer to die for the one she loves, she wins the prize!
Winner - winner, chicken dinner!
She gets to hold him in her arms, there's a catch, she has to wait until night. Maybe because he's married or has a live in girlfriend. idk

I can be your hero, baby!
I can kiss away the pain!
I can stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away!

So.........this is what she receives for being his Ms.Right.
Yes, I would love this, wished for it for many years until I woke up, realized, it's only a dream. A beautiful fantasy, yet, only a dream.

He could be my hero, baby! 
There's a hell of a lot of pain to kiss away. He'd need some industrial strength lip balm.
Stand by me forever? Dang, dude, forever is a long long time.
Yep, I really would take his breath away just as he would take mine if these words were backed up with ACTIONS!

Would you swear that you'll always be mine?
Would you lie? Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don't care, you're here, tonight.

Yeah, I could swear to this as long as we were committed to each other, both treating each other well, the way it should be.
Would I lie? Nope. Not unless I absolutely had to. Lying is somethig I avoid unless I absolutely have to.
In too deep? I'm leaving this one alone. *wink*   *smile*

Loving another person is a form of losing your mind, giving in to the pain, the pleasure, the sweetness of surrendering with another human being to merge souls even if it lasts a lifetime or forever. Sounds a bit codependent, hmm?
Yeah, baby, I'm here, tonight.

Oh, I just want to hold you
I just want to hold you, oh yeah!

Yes, being held, holding each other is something I tremendously miss. It's why I can't sleep at night, it's why I have 2 body pillows. Front & back.
Holding someone & being held is so comforting.

For now?

I just want to hold good thoughts.

Life is good for me, right now, although solitary, it's safer to keep to myself. Predatory people will seize the opportunity to take advantage of another persons desire for love, for friendship, for comfort.

Males will lead a woman to believe he actually cares, only to take from her what he wants then vanish.
A form of cowardice.

One definition of cowardice is a male who awakens the love in a woman knowing he is neither free of other commitments nor does he plan to allow himself to love her in return.

Females will lead others to believe that she is their friend when in actuality, she is a basic succubus, taking, taking, taking, never giving back.

Just want to hold good thoughts in my heart & mind where it's safe.

In the words of the misunderstood Norma Jean ~

Hold a good thought for me!

Love & luck, y'all!


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