Sunday, July 21, 2024

Best Advice

The storms of life are often tricky to navigate. Who can be trusted to give guidance? Where can a person turn? 
Even trained professional counselors can, at times give sketchy advice. They can often offer more betrayal than help.
Been there, did that.
No more counselors for me. 
Too many bad experiences with counselors. After the last bad one I decided it was the last one.
These are some life lessons I have learned - the hard way.


When you are getting the first "leave me alone" vibes from someone, whether irl or on the phone or video chat, leave them alone! There are many people who want your company. Go where you are wanted, everyone deserves to be wanted & appreciated.

Give priority to those who give you priority.

Seek first to understand then to be understood. Offer compassion mixed with kindness when needed.

Every time you put anything in your mouth you are either fighting future disease or feeding it. Choose carefully.

Only bring an animal as a pet into your home, into your life if you are prepared to train it well. An untrained animal is just as annoying & destructive as a spoiled child.

A strong scare is more motivating than sound advice.

When someone freezes you out aka the silent treatment or cold shoulder, they are teaching you how to live without them.

Refrain from asking why they keep doing it, ask why you keep allowing it. (Whatever "it" is.)

Actions are a language unto itself.

Plants die more often from overwatering than they do from underwatering. The same is true for humans.

People who spend their formative years in chaos are often uncomfortable in a peaceful life.

Karma has a way of catching up with everyone, it's a natural law.

Being single & celibate is better than being coupled up in misery.

When a person tells you who they are, believe them.

Dogs are not better than people, it's easy to be loyal, welcoming, obedient, compliant, sweet when your very life depends upon it.

When a person's actions are misaligned with their words, believe their actions.

Whoever or whatever you believe yourself to be, your mind will find a way to make it come true.

When someone tells you that you can't accomplish something what they are really saying is that they can't do it.

Learn to get out of your own way to accomplish great things in life.

Be kind to others, also be kind to yourself. Life can be glorious. It can also be cruel & discouraging at times.

Pursue enjoyment, be wary of pleasure. Pleasure is cheap, fast dopamine that one doesn't earn. One-night stands, sugary foods, video gaming, pornography. Enjoyment takes intention, perseverance, nurturing a skill or a relationship. It has a higher barrier, so, it takes more effort to reach with a richer reward.

In order to change the fruit, you must first change the root.

If you want a wound to heal you must refrain from touching it.

People who define themselves as atheists are acknowledging that there really is a God or they would have nothing to not believe in.

When you start finding feathers it's a sign. A sign that there are naked birds somewhere.

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If there's really holes in the floor of heaven   Tears of loved ones are really falling down I wear them all through my blonde hair Like...