Monday, June 24, 2024

The $$$$ Windfall

 With the most recent windfall of you-know-what, November 2017, I found myself wanting to just go wild. Spend - spend - spend.
I took a very deserving person on a 7-day trip to Hawai'i.
  That friendship ended when she betrayed my trust in such a cruel way. It baffles me that someone who considers themselves a Christian can do such a thing & not even feel bad about it or apologize for it.

We stayed at the Moana Surfrider Hotel. It really is that beautiful!

My thoughts turned to treating other people who had helped me in lean times. However, it's a small town. I'm regarded with suspicion. I don't fit the mould that is usual. Being far from the usual's downside. Some people even believed I was too weird. For a long time, people believed me to be a weed smoking lesbian. If I were, I would be fine with it, I'm far from it. I'm a straight arrow, never smoke weed. Love men, find that my life is full & sweet with or without a man.
Now, with my puppy who needs 2 hours of exercise every day, I have heard people refer to me as "the girl with the Doberman".

Two of the people I considered giving a free trip to, had never even trusted me with their cell number or even wanted to go out for lunch with me. Having lived in this town since 2012, there is still not one person who would go out to lunch with me if I asked.
It's their loss, I'm generous & a bottle of bubbles type of fun.

After years of hoping to make lasting friendships, I gave up. When I moved into the house I'm living in, now, I had a housewarming. One person showed up. I had invited some people who I went to church with, really thought at least one would show up. I thought my landlady & landlord who were just next door, would stop in for a few minutes.
The pastor & his sweet wife planned on dropping by. 
By 4 pm I was too discouraged. They did stop by after I had left which I felt bad about.

I made 2 purchases that were so unique, so desirable, seemed so unattainable. Then, they were attainable. I went for it!
No regerts.  😉

After returning from a fun time in Hawai'i, I saw myself frittering away my windfall. The stuff that lottery winners gone broke are made of. Sure, it feels good in the moment. After over a decade of living in survival mode, having zero financial worries felt so good. Often, I lived on oatmeal, popcorn & eggs from a local farmer. It was really tough, I'm proud of myself that I persevered against the odds.
It would have been fun to keep the party going.

Before the wipeout.

That would be the sound of blissfully going broke, back to being in the red. 
Reining it in, I worked on a budget, made a few investments (which paid off!) then, adhered to the budget I set. 
Not falling flat on my face as the ex huzz had told me I would.
(I showed him! Better yet, I showed myself that I could do it.)
People who understand the way budgeting works, that it's a useful tool, that it's a necessary way to live especially when an influx of lucre comes in. It's more of a peace preserver. Less of a restraint.
It's more excess within control than it is continued deprivation. 

Financial wisdom, self-control, cautious spending, cautious investing, knowing when to say yes as well as when to say no or maybe. 

These are principles that are rarely taught K - 12. The most effective financial management is taught to children by their parents. 
Teaching their progeny by setting the example.
The lessons are so effective as the tender aged ones get an up-close view of the effects of managing assets whether positive or negative. 
A child who is raised by parents who live paycheck to paycheck will often copy this behavior. A child who is raised in prudent asset management has a better chance at copying this method though some choose a different path. 
It's so perplexing to figure out just what to do.
Especially when surrounded by peers who cut loose on a regular basis. Spend it now, end it never. 

Financial advisors, people who successfully manage to grow their own assets, big boom LOTTO winners, lucky ducks who are born into wealth. They all seem to have it so easy, all figured out. In many instances they might. However, there is still a necessary amount of learning to manage that has to kick in at some point.
It may seem stifling, kill-joy, raining on a flamboyant parade.

In reality, it's excess within control.

It's a balance of working - monitoring - budgeting - investing.

Then, you can party it up.

Balance is the key.

The one beneficial principle is to learn balance in all aspects of life. Having a regular Yoga practice is a great method as well as an effective tool for attaining balance. More than just physical balance, 
so many benefits. 

Bigoted thinking blindly labels Yoga as evil, even Satanic. So called Christians only regurgitate what they have been programmed to say.

The truth is that Yoga is a practice more ancient than any religion, certainly has more truth, balance, deeper benefit.
If never have you ever experienced a personal $$$$ windfall, maybe try to create one. Possibly for yourself or a loved one. 

Love is a verb. Love is also in a much shorter supply than money or any assets, really. Money is acquired, spent, lost, wasted, endowed, every day.
Love, unconditional, on the other side, is rarer than any other commodity on earth. Many people can give away billions in cash & assets.
Love is more precious, more needed, more transformative than nearly anything known to humankind.

Being an imperfect by far girl, it's important for my wellbeing to show love, caring, compassion, empathy even generosity when moved to do so. It's far more difficult, for me, to hold back than it is to give generously to others to give a bit of relief to someone so deserving. 
The caveat is that scammers & greedy narcissistic people LOVE to find generous people. When that sort approaches me, I can almost hear the violin strings playing as the creep attempts to play me.

That's when it's time to call them out then throw them out for good.

In this world of greed & cruelty. If you have a shortage of lucre.

Show some love.

Show some kindness.

Don't buy the world a Coke, buy them a Pepsi.

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