Thursday, June 20, 2024

Poking The Tiger

Sometimes up is down, sometimes down is up. Sometimes you may be gliding along. 
Out of nowhere ~ BAM! It hits you, the unexpected.
Could be happy or good or even great.
Possibly the opposite or somewhere in between. Either way the whipped cream pie in the face hits. Did you get the memo?
Most likely it skipped you.
All is well. This will pass. In time grass becomes milk. Ask any cow.

On June 19,2024 I woke with an intuition of the true nature of a situation contrary to information I was told.
When that sort of intuition comes to me like a butterfly alights. I will speak with, in person or phone someone I have a lot of trust in. Just so it's trickier to discredit me, I tell the trusted one of the intuition.

The last time I had a strong intuition that a huge event has happened or will happen, I told 3 different people about it in advance. So that when the event happened, it was proof that the intuition was correct.
The event was not anywhere on the internet, it was a sole intuition that ducduckgo or Google or Firefox or anywhere on or off the internet would not have any information about.

The truth of the situation may come to light soon or later or even not at all. 
Trust your gut is said over and over. Easy to say, takes practice to do.

Years ago, after life spanked me for ignoring my gut intuition, it taught a very valuable lesson. Following it every time has benefitted me far beyond what I had ever believed it would.
It's a Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, wish on a star come true. 

Go, me!

Out of fear for my personal safety I will poke the tiger softly.

Poking softly leaves room for speculation.

Poking harder can put one in jeopardy.

Ya feel me?

Calculated risk can also be fun even a bit dangerous. Just a bit. 

An extreme example would be sky diving. Yes, I have done it a handful of times. As long as a person pays attention to the briefings in class, follows the instructions from the instructor, of course.

Medium risk would be exceeding the speed limit by an amount I won't disclose - you can choose. On a long stretch of road late at night. Wildlife other than the driver pose the greatest risk. 

In October 2019, driving back home from Colorado, 30 miles from home on a long stretch of a Texas highway, a huge wild boar appeared seemingly out of nowhere. There were no streetlights. Just the stars & the moon. The boar looked like it could have been a calf.
I backed up & checked it out, my front license plate was embedded in its skull.
Deciding I didn't need the plate, after all, I did feel bad for the creature. It was a quick death. My car is built like a tank, it had minimal damage. A new set of plates was $12. I was lucky indeed!

It's dubious as to whether this would be a light calculated risk. Proverbial poking of the tiger. Not an actual large feline, more like teasing a person in power, very lightly teasing a person in power. There are different levels of power. 
Different devils at different levels.
Sometimes it's exposing the truth about a wrongdoing, personal or private. At other times it could be calling someone out on their bull corn in person. Short of calling them a liar when ya really want to.

Recently I have lightly poked a tiger. I received a warning. Not a threat unless I pursued it. Probably would be fun to pursue, until it isn't. 😏

What tigers have you poked?
What tigers would you like to poke?
Have you ever poked a tiger & walked away unscathed?
Have you ever poked a tiger & felt the repercussions?
Never have you ever?

It's a tricky thing to decide to do it or refrain. The thrills are often worth the risk. Staying within the law is necessary, even crucial. To, you know, keep it fun without the possibility of being arrested. Food served in a prison is far from a 5-star eatery.

Being quite certain of the correctness of the intuition I received, only time will tell. Waking on the morning of June 19 with the intuition, a feeling of peace is mostly the confirmation necessary.
Secondary to that, there is a peculiar sense of eventfulness in the air.

I feel it!

It's as if the air is thick with the feeling of truths about to be revealed.

Full moon on June 21. Full moons often reveal what was hidden.


Yesterday was my birthday, July 14. I received the very same intuition only it was stronger, giving even more peace of mind.
While it wasn't the classic confirmation, it enveloped me like a soft warm blanket.
Taking PJ to the dog park, in place of the tears that have started on a regular basis for a few weeks, now, all I felt was a serenity of mood.
Even if I never get the usual firm confirmation, it's clear to me that the information is correct.

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