Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Ghosts & Ghost Photos

When I lived in Colorado Springs, Colorado, I loved to walk through Miramount Castle in nearby Manitou Springs on a self guided tour. People who know/knew of my frequent visits would joke about it with me. No one ever asked me why.
Possibly, they weren't interested in it or were dubious about what my answer might be.
The castle is well known to be haunted. For people such as myself, it's a multi visitation spot. There are many spots in the castle where it's far colder than other places. Years ago, I went on a self-guided tour with the intent to count how many cold spots the castle has. There were 82!!!!
On many previous tours, I saw ghostly apparitions, even felt a hand on my shoulder. Three times, I felt fingers running through my hair, trailing down the backs of my arms. I simply acknowledged the entity, saying, "Oh, do you like that?" Absence of response.

People who know me well, also know of my connection to the spirit world. Some have even encouraged me to rig my home with cameras.
Proof of something other worldly may be required by others who are unsure of it, themselves.
I know it's there. 
Photo or video proof is unnecessary.
I had my first NDE at around age 5. Since then, what is referred to as paranormal is simply normal to me. It's like having blue or brown or hazel eyes. I don't do anything to have spiritual sensitivity. It's just there as it has always been.

When I sense, see or hear a presence, I simply say, "Hello". The entity sometimes responds with a smile or nod or a "Hello" back to me, then, fade to nothingness. Sometimes there is no acknowledgment, that's okay, too.
Sometimes the entity will very slightly pause, just a moment of stillness. Then, they fade into clear air.
Having witnessed the spirits of people whom I knew when they were among the living as well as some that I didn't know IRL, I know enough to keep from caving to the propaganda that all spirit presences are to be feared.

When I stayed at The Roosevelt Hotel, knowing it was Marilyn Monroes favorite, I booked one of the rooms/suites that Marilyn liked & stayed in most often. When my friend & I opened the door to the suite, we both saw her. It was unmistakably Marilyn, sitting by the window in a white bath robe with her initials embroidered on it. Her initials before the world made her into Marilyn. NJM. She saw us, too. She turned, smiled, winked at us as her specter began to fade. My traveling companion did see her, acknowledged it at the time of the sighting, still denies it, to this day. That's okay, friend, it's a tough call.

Those who call themselves paranormal investigators are mostly a joke. Most of them will arrive, speak excitedly about what others have encountered, what they themselves hope to encounter. All of the fancy electronics these "experts" bring with them are actually defeating their purposes.
Entities encountered in a paranormal investigation are mostly intelligent. Spirits of living beings who have passed on are also intelligent beings. When the so-called investigators approach an area that is said to be haunted, asking the entities to participate in their "Dog & Pony" show.
Spirit - Knock twice if you hear me.
Spirit - If you're here, push that ball across the floor to me.
Was that you who pushed that bike? If it was, say, "yes".
Can you tell us what your name is or was?

No one wants to feel like they are being used or manipulated or made to prove a truth that they know in their heart or in the case of spirits, the heart they once had. There are some weirdos that might like it.

Asking the paranormal entities to put on a show for you is just as insulting. Most people will resent at being conned into being a dog & pony show, for the entertainment of others.

The hilarious part of all of this is what the investigators do when an entity appears or responds as it's asked to do. They run away! Screaming, yelling, grabbing their fancy equipment as they flee.

Of course, just like living beings, there are benevolent entities as well as the other with a myriad of categories in between. People have asked how to know the difference. Whether someone is part of the Savvy about Spooks sort or less, so. 
All people can feel it when the entity is of evil intent or not. Many people can feel it when they are in the presence of a living being of ill intent. An entity of evil intent is even easier to discern from a living one. You will just know.
It's a spiritual gift that all people are born with to lesser & greater degrees. The more you exercise this spiritual gift, the stronger it will become. Listen to it, discern as to whether it's your personal desire, fear, feeling, etc. or if it's an actual so-called gut instinct.

Paying attention so as to be in tune with your natural intuition, you may begin to have more encounters. Maybe it was there the whole time. 
People who live the hustle culture have noisy minds. Usually, a person with a quieter mind will notice that which is spiritual in nature. People who are constantly doing, doing, doing, have become human doings. They have forgotten how to be human beings. Just being.
This is far from a criticism of the mega busy people out there. More of a soft instruction if someone with a noisy mind to quiet their mind if they wish to experience "visitation".

Other than seeing Ms. Monroe, long before that, I began having experiences with what is now referred to as paranormal.  Four NDE's, communications from family have passed on as well as a few who were living at the time, are still alive. 
Along with this, the gift of being able to correctly tell the gender of a baby, often, before the woman, herself knows she is with child. A track record of 80/80 speaks for itself.

My first NDE at the age of five years, it was just a time extended encounter of what I had already seen, felt & heard. It was sacred, was also such a comfort to me as a small child. I drew on it in hard times.

I would suggest a caveat that just because a person has strong intuition, discernment, has had NDEs means more that they are gifted, less that they know everything. It seems to me that the closer a person is to a situation such as a romantic interest, a child, a family member, the more unlikely it will be to read them. Sometimes it is possible, mostly it's a flat feeling coming from the person. Attachment to another person often clouds a read on them or blocks it entirely.
In this instance, some clairvoyant people will seek a read from another clairvoyant or seer who is known for their accuracy. 

The fear of the paranormal is a result of social conditioning by the millions of scary movies, the vast attention paid to negative spirits.
Also, the whispering of people who are conditioned to fear nearly everything spiritual if it deals with the afterlife.
Do you fear it?
Is it because you were conditioned to fear it?
Have you experienced it, became afraid?

Here is a challenge. I would discourage others from seeking an experience with specters. More like, keep the thought in your mind for the next time you encounter something that is said to be paranormal.

It might surprise you at how it goes.

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