Sunday, November 19, 2023

'Tis The Season to Hack Your Life

Parmesan cheese lids fit canning jars


When you need AA batteries & you only have AAA. Metal foil to the rescue!

Put a packet of silica in your salt shaker or any spices if you live in an area with high humidity. It keeps it from clumping.

Make a black & white or sepia tone memory jar from your favorite photos or use as a table decoration at a wedding reception or anniversary party. Can also be a great friendship gift.

Or use a color photo, just as personal & way cool.

Shoe caddies can also store other things. In the pantry.

To corral childrens toys for an easier way to store toys.

Barbies - Barbies - Kens - Kens

Laundry room storage hang on the inside. Close the door. *poof*

For those of you who enjoy cooking, try this to somewhat minimize cleaning up afterward. Having done this, I can tell you it works.

For my BLT loving readers!

Today, I hope at least one of these made your life a bit easier.

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