Friday, April 29, 2022

Names of Demons


Since the dawn of time as humans recall, there have been demons on the earth, in the proverbial heavenly realm. At times, even inhabiting living beings of differing sorts.

Some of the degenerate products from Hollywood & other media sources have distorted, desensitized, essentially made people less aware of the demons on the earth in this modern world we live in. In the distant past, strong drink with high ABV was most commonly referred to as "spirits".
Does it make you wonder?
Does it make you say, hmmm?
Just a little?
When a person is imbibing, it often changes their personality. Some for the better, some for the others. Inhibitions are usually minimized. 

Sober thoughts that were safely held in check, come spilling out!

Maybe I was a bit naive, possibly, still am. I had never been drunk dialed until long after a deeply painful divorce. Possibly because nearly everyone I knew didn't drink alcohol. The call was not from the ex huzz. If it had been, I wouldn't have picked up. 
As silly as this may sound, I was fascinated, fixated, listening to the drunk who I barely knew, spill his innermost thoughts he had when he was sober. I listened, laughed about it, from around 12 midnight to 4 am! After the call ended, I lay there in the softness of my bed, wondering what had gotten into him.
It must have been the spirits! 😎

The names of demons are tossed around in todays world, so casually, many people don't realize the power the names have. Many people also believe that demons are a thing of the past, figments of imagination. It's also said that until one experiences it first hand, for themselves, being one of a sound, healthy mental/emotional state, many will chalk it up to the person being "crazy", a nut case, even buckets of crazy.
The experience happens firsthand.
Then, a believer in the spirit world is born.

Having lived with this throughout my entire life, it was a surprise to me that most people have never experienced interactions with angels, demons, divine intervention. The spiritual life chose me.

Words have power. More power than many people realize. Several times I heard people in conversation stating that another person is hopeless or evil or crazy or worthless.
The other person will pipe up, saying, 
"Don't speak that over him/her."
Without a full realization of the power of these words, the negativity was rejected.

Before going forward, I want to say, I have made my own mistakes, so far from perfect, I need a new phrase for far from perfect! 

This has been a long-held belief, a truth, if you will as a testament to the power of words.
Now, for the "meat" of the idea. 
The names of demons that many will claim, don't exist, have power over the people of the world whether they are believed in or not.
Just speaking these names aloud can feel heavy, can feel dark & negative. Many people often hesitate to say them aloud. As if the demons will be brought to life, as indeed they might be.


In addition to this?

It's very common for men to say that an ex or current one in his life is "crazy".
When a guy says his ex or current squeeze is "crazy" what he is REALLY revealing is that he acted like a jerk. He could possibly have cheated on her or over spent the amount of money they had agreed upon, earlier or any number of assorted hurtful actions. 
In place of accepting responsibility for his actions he will state that the woman is "a psycho" or "crazy" or that he doesn't know what "her problem" is.
He knows. 
He chooses the lower road, blaming someone for their reaction to his cruel treatment or being irresponsible with resources.

The Bible warns people of the damaging effects of gluttony. It's one of the sins that the Bible warn us of that is the most common in the world, now.
Eating or overeating of foods simply because of a craving or because it tastes good. Really, any other reason besides hunger.
The world wide obesity epidemic is the result of the most often committed sin of eating for any other reason than feeling hunger. Genuine, hollow feeling in the belly hunger, eating because you must. Not because you want to, but, out of necessity for health. Choosing foods that are real, actual foods for their nutritional value.

You probably have the gist of it. 
When these words are tossed around casually, it may diminish their impact when spoken aloud, the potential power remains. The effects of the words will remain long after they are spoken out loud. The venom is out, the only antidote is to speak or say or even think them less.
There's the hope.

When you make a conscious effort to think to yourself in positive terms, rephrasing the negative into the positive before speaking. 
The start of all this is inside your head where your thoughts can make the biggest difference in your own personal life.

Please, choose your words carefully around children or any very vulnerable person. It can make such a positive difference.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

It Takes Me Back

The taste with soft grained texture of guava on my tongue. 


It takes me back to the first time I tasted it, soon after I arrived in Hawai'i. The 15th SPS was expecting a female Captain to arrive. Because I was wearing civilian clothes, maybe because I had strong self-confidence, flew into the MAC terminal instead of HNL, they assumed I was her. The person who was supposed to be her sponsor, met me at the terminal with a flower lei & a small basket with some island goodies. I was exhausted, hungry, a bit confused. I opened one of the cans of Hawaiian Sun juice, it was a flavor I loved right from the first sip! 
Passion fruit juice & guava fruit juice.
I love these 2 separate or together.
I was dropped off at VOQ. Visiting Officers Quarters. There were different cans of the other yummy flavors! As I went through the basket, sampling a little of each, it was clear which one was already my flavorite. Aloha nui loa!

A wonderful aspect of modern times is that anything can be bought for a price, even with free shipping. Hello Amazon Prime!
I work very very long days. I'm worth it!
2 cases of Hawaiian Sun juices? Yes, please!
It's been a rough week, rewarding myself by cracking a cold one opened. Cold, lovely, delicious Pass-O-Guava nectar! A compatible combo of passion fruit blended with guava.


Although I KNOW I'm far from Hawai'i, there is just something about this flavor that takes me there. I'm catching up on Star Trek: Picard episodes, tonight, geeking out like the sapiosexual that I am. It's cool to be intelligent, it's cool to be a nerd.
New thinking
Really sexy

If you have ever gone somewhere new, different from anywhere you had ever been. You may have listened to the local music, sampled some of the local cuisine. Enjoyed it so much that you bought some of each to take back home with you when you left.
It's like that!
Whenever I have gone back to the islands, I have brought some of it back with me. Lilikoi jelly from the Stadium Swap Meet. Little shortbread cookies from The Honolulu Cookie Company on my last trip. 

The flavors are all, so intense, they are unique, others may be close.
Just far enough off the mark to make my mouth miss the real thing.

Until the next time when I can go back without threats from the mask holes, spoiling my fun.
Order online, it's da real da kine.
Broke da mout


When times were easy then they got tough
He didn't know if he had quite enough 
He kept on pushing til he made it through
Nights were so long the loneliness hurt
The random girl made him feel like dirt
He didn't know of anything else he could do
Thinking that he finally made it in his mind
Still the emptiness was all that he could find
Until one day he met someone special so new
Was she just like all the other ones from before?
In his bed one day then the next out the door
Maybe she would be his own dream come true
Fear filled his heart then it filled his mind
Was she like the others he had left behind? 
This girl was so unique he didn't know what to do
She was happy she was calm with a sweet smile
Her kindness alone was enough to beguile
He felt himself falling as his love for her grew
Knowing he wanted her with him for the rest of his life
Knowing he wanted only to ask her to be his wife
The terrible truth he hid was one that only he knew
How could he tell her that he had been living a lie
This sweet heart he knew he had to pass on by
It hurt to admit to himself what he knew he had to do 
She was the one he had searched for though it took too long
To belong to someone else when the right one comes along
His lot in life was the wildcard in life which he drew
His marriage came to an abrupt ending hence
He didn't blame the mom to his kids in her defense
She still loved him in her heart he still loved her too
Now the long nights returned to what they were before
The tossing the turning with so much pacing the floor
Cycling of girls had sadly returned in his life too
Could he find another like the sweet girl he had known?
Could she forgive him his lies when his cover was blown?
It would be even tougher with another someone new
When he went to find her he couldn't believe his eyes
The sweet girl who still loved him to his great surprise
As his eyes filled with tears in an instant his heart grew
Knowing the mum to his kids had found her own way
With one who loved her truly on her second wedding day
It eased his mind of the guilt that he had caused to brew
The sweet girl gave him a chance to right his prior wrong
Oh the joy in being free to love the second time it comes along
This is the story of many that takes a lifetime to work through

Monday, April 11, 2022

Watch it Grow

If anyone wants to place a bet that I'm a die hard, passionate needleworker. It's a safe bet.

Winner - Winner! Chocolate fudge cake for dinner!

At times I have been spoken of as never finishing what I start - regarding my needlework + art & craft projects.
Au contraire mon Capitan!
(Spoken in the sassy voice of Q)

There are a myriad of reasons. The main  reason is this. I'm somewhat prone to depression. Most people who are highly creative are. It seems to me to be the nature of the beast. A very persistent, unkind beast.

Hang with me peeps while I tie it together for youse. 

Some creative types, specifically needleworkers, get a sort of euphorial high when starting a new design. It's so new, different, exciting, captivating. 
To me?
It feels the same way that falling in love feels. Heightened bliss.

Sometime between almost halfway through the project, the euphoria begins to wear off. The needlework designers crank the designs out faster than most stitchers can busy their fingers to turn that blank fabric into a glorious display of beauty, showcasing their skill.
Many designers, I have found, do the designing then they have professional stitchers work from the pattern, noting errors or making improvements as they stitch. 
After the stitching, then there is the added touches of beads, charms, sparkling fibers. Some people gently hand wash the fabric before doing the beading, charms, fibers, some do it after. Some people even wash it before and after. Then, there is the pressing & stretching or "blocking"
Once that is done, it is professionally framed by a very experienced crafts person who specializes in custom stretching & finishing of needlework.
The finished masterpiece is photographed then, it's all put together in the pattern format as in a single sheet or booklet or leaflet. Sometimes it's put in protective plastic with a "header" bearing the designers logo, printed on heavy paper. The paper is at the top, stapled to close the top of the protective plastic.

Have you ever fallen in love?
My aunt says that people don't fall in love, they fall in horse crap, not knowing what they have fallen into.
Some people go through their lives going from romantic relationship to the next, then, the next. Those endorphins are so powerful!
This makes my endorphin gathering by starting another project to get that delicious, happy, blissful feeling sound much more safe!

Why is it that once begun
Creative joys diminish
Starting again is more fun
Than it ever is to finish


Another reason or maybe it's an excuse (pick one!) is that a lot of stitching is seasonal. Christmas ornaments, Christmas decor. Easter decor, patterns for St Patrick's Day, beautiful Autumn scenes. Then there's also gifts for loved ones birthdays, wedding gifts, new baby gifts. Sooooooo much more!
If the seasonal item (Christmas is a major snag) isn't finished once the holiday is over, it tends to be put to the side in favor of spring & summer stitching. 
It might be picked up once the holiday season starts up the following year or it might not be picked up for 2 years.... or ....ever.
Shout out to my stitcher buddies, nodding their heads, smiling, with a sheepish grin. No hanging your head in shame you floss licker!

In 2021, I remedied 2 very bad habits I knew were not good for me. Shhh. 
I'm not going to tell you what they were. 
These are not New Years Resloutions. They are simply clearing out negative habits that were bringing me down.
For 2022, I resolved to finish projects I had started awhile back. A beautiful band sampler that I had barely started, no, I won't tell you how long ago! With the spirit of Christmas in the air, I decided that it was time to continue stitching until it was completely finished.
I did it!
Another habit I have had to really work on was photos.
I hate to have my picture taken even more than I hate taking pictures. It's part of my charm. 
A dear friend who often asks me to send her a picture of what I'm doing, what my craft projects look like, has given me that sweet & gentle nudge to get over it, start taking more pictures. So, I have.
Sticking with this Christmas sampler to completion, you get to watch it grow! Although I make changes from the pattern to suit my own personal taste, peeps ~ here it is!

My sincere apologies, my stitching is much better than my photography.

I present to you; Christmas Ribbons designed by Nan Caldera, one of my favorite design companies ~ Just Nan.

I love the stitched ribbon at the bottom!
Here it is, all finished. It's soaking in a cool water rinse after being gently hand washed in a mild soap (Suave shampoo!) Next, I will press it right side down, then, send it to my professional framer. I attached a silver 2022 charm as my own personal touch. 
Some stitchers go fast, I like to savor it, enjoy it, revel in the feeling of the soft silks & cottons on a gold needle as they glide through the linen. As I stitch, I'm feeling the endorphins in a sweet rhythm I love. This beautiful needlework represents 70 hours of my life. My career is one that I had dreamed of, hoped for, I truly love it! When it actually found me. My language skills saved my life. I was barely making it, looked like I was gliding along. Underneath, I was paddling at full speed, living on 1 egg a day for a long time. The ex huzz screwed me royally in the divorce. While he had the career I had helped him build, I had next to nothing to live on. It was only my needlework that gave me happiness, calmed me, comforted me.

In the rhythm of the needle there is music for the soul. ~ Nan Caldera

Keys To the Universe in Front of Your Eyes

Here it is, in black and white both figuratively & literally. They have different definitions. They are also often mistaken for each other as well as used together.

As one who is a deep thinker, often, I wonder if very many people think about some of the gobbledy gook swimming around in my brain. Also, do I think like other people think?
In truth, it doesn't matter to me if I'm different from others. As I have been told many times that I'm multi-faceted, far from the usual, that I'm extremely creative in the way I do things.
Well, that doesn't sound annoying!
(Ha ha!)

For as far back in life as I can remember, that goes back to when I was 18 months of age, then, when I learned how to write at age 4 years, I started writing it all down. Sometimes in poetry, sometimes in journal entries. Sometimes the entries are even accompanied by pictures I hand drew. 
Yep, I have kept all of them! Snapshots in time.

When my mother went snooping around in my things, when I was in 1st grade, while I was at school, as she often did, she found just 2 of the 7 notebooks. She read through them.
When I returned to home after school, that day, she sat me down, confronted me with the 2 notebooks she had found. She asked me if I truly believed what I had written or was I just being creative or silly.
It was too bad that people don't have conversation balloons over their heads so that other people will see what another person is thinking or feeling. 
It would have benefitted me greatly in that instance!
She told me that if I truly believed what I had written that she was going to take me to a psychiatrist to have my head examined!
I knew this was an idle threat from listening to my parents arguing about money plus everything they wanted yet couldn't afford. They could barely afford to pay utility bills as well as food for their children!
Even as a first grader, I recognized this.

This one confrontation caused me to keep what I thought about, dreamed about, wanted to do with my life, for most of my life, to myself.
 When I observed things in the world, it seemed to me that everything had a particular order. For things to be kept in order, there had to be rules, consequential unspoken laws that guided, produced natural consequences, kept things in place or put them back in place if they veered off course too far.
I know - I know! It's Physics! I didn't know the term at the time I wrote in one of my notebooks.
Furthermore, the laws of Physics are different in different parts of the Universe.

Many people live with these keys to the Universe every day without realizing it. Then again, many people do realize it.
Shout out to smart people, everywhere!

The laws of the Universe that I had thought about as well as seen at that time were these, yet, unlimited other laws, too.

There are hills & valleys or highs & lows in everything.
Human bodies
Animal bodies
Insect bodies
Mechanical inventions
The basic form in biology is that the sperm chases the egg.
(Sorry, guys, not sorry, you must pursue)

Everything has an opposite
That which can become very cold can also become very hot. Most often, it's equal in opposition unless acted upon by an outside force.

People who are kind are most often happier people.
(I chose to be a kind person early on in life.)

Everything eats something to continue to live.
(Except pineapple, lol, an acidic one will eat you right back! Even as you are consuming it, it eats at the mouth, lips, tongue, gums)

Many critical elements were discovered by people vs the oft believed adage that they were invented by people.
There have been millions of inventions, written books, composed music, artwork, ways of doing things etc. These are all out there waiting to be discovered or waiting to be actualized by people who seek them. With diligence, patience, earnest seeking, they will often be brought forward by the right person at the right time.
Sometimes the idea is correct, yet the rest of the world is still in a process to receive it. People who are ahead of their time are heavily criticized by those who are still in the process of developing to receive it. 
Other factors such as fear of the strange or new, jealousy, a dislike for the discoverer in whatever they do also have a bearing on it.

Another major key:
Gravity is a concept that nearly everyone accepts, yet, at the time the idea of it was introduced it caused a whole lotta ruckus. It's been over 400 years since the idea of gravity & the idea that the Earth is slowly turning, revolving around the sun. This theory had been discussed many times before Copernicus published his findings.
Copernicus published his theory regarding gravity when he was on his death bed. People brushed it off as him being mentally ill as he was growing closer to death.
When Galileo picked up where Copernicus left off, he was arrested, made to stand in trial for heresy.
Sir Isaac Newton further pushed the idea forward. He was a highly respected scientist during his time.

Yep, as a child of 5 years of age, I thought about such things. My beloved maternal grandfather was a deep thinker of vast intelligence, wisdom, curiosity, humor, kindness & patience. He was also a lifelong learner. My grandparents had a piano that was not being used, much. My grandmother saw it as one more thing to dust, she wanted to get rid of it. In his mid 60's (I'm guessing) my grandfather decided to learn to play the piano. It was a stab through his heart when the piano teacher decided grandpa was tone deaf.
Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. 
Maybe he simply had a lazy piano teacher that was unwilling to be patient enough to teach him. Grandpa gave it his best effort, then, agreed that the piano would be gotten rid of.

Another key to the Universe is the power of color.
It has been proved over and over that certain colors make most people happy or feel safe or even repulse them altogether dependent on their life experience. 
Just one of my own experiences is that, I had a black & red phase, a few years ago. Shortly before I moved to Texas, I got rid of half of all that I owned.
The bedroom set that I bought was all shiny black lacquered with accents of silver chrome. The bedframe & headboard were upholstered in black leather. I chose black bed linens & a black and red set of bed linens. I thought little of it, I started having insomnia more often than usual for me.
When I started reading about sleep & sleep disorders, it was there, over and over again. The colors in the room where you sleep can have an impact on a persons sleep or lack of it.
The many studies showed that the color "white" makes most people feel safe. 
The color "red" gives a feeling of energy, passion sometimes anger.
The color "black" can convey authority, a slight feeling of protection.
The color "yellow" makes people feel more at ease, also inspires many people to be happy or creative or wanting to learn something.

This covers the gist of it!

I changed the colors of my bedroom. I bought beautiful solid white, high thread count white bed linens. I donated the black & red linens to make someone else happy. My sleep did improve slightly.
When I was gifted a beautiful medium fern green Hawai'ian quilt, I got rid of just the white comforter for the beautiful hand made quilt. Having wanted one for so long, it was quite a thrill for me to actually have one!
Sure, I could have made one for myself. I, simply hadn't done it. Most of the items I had hand made in previously were given to others as gifts. This beautiful quilt was all mine! (Happy dance!)

I still have chronic insomnia, my creative mind is tough to turn off!

Sometimes, I put my insomnia to good use.

Like skeletons in the family closet, making them dance can be fun!


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...