Monday, February 7, 2022


If you have ever watched or never watched the movie, Somewhere in Time, you might know or will know the magic of it all.  

Remembering the very first time I saw this movie, it was a bit surprising to me that my date & me were the only 2 people in theater. It was a re-released movie from several years back.  My date was a cool guy, newly divorced. I was still hurting from a deeply painful breakup. It was Valentine's Day. Let's go!

Hey! Let's go to a gooshie romantic chik flik! Riiiight? Sure.

Both of us knew where the others head & heart was. It was just 2 people going to a movie as friends. He wouldn't let me pay for my own ticket so, I smuggled his favorite candy in, in my purse & bought a couple bottles of water for us. The movie was hyper criticized by the reviewers if it got any attention at all. My date loved it & so did I! He and I remained friends after that. 

After that, when we spoke from time to time, he would ask me about the movie, about how it garnered more attention in the years after it was no longer in theaters.

It was filmed on Mackinac Island. Pronounced nothing like it looks! I had to pronounce it for a few people more than 3 times.
It's from Michigan, like me, though I got to Texas as quick as I could.
Mack-in-awe Eye-land
The island itself is a very beautiful, very unique place. It's just off the tip, to the left, of the Michigan mitten. The straits of Sault Ste. Marie are close by.
There is a bridge to it & a small airport on the island. Most people take the Mackinaw ferry to the island for a small fee. The ferry is docked in Mackinaw city, departs regularly. It's also known as Sheplers Ferry.
Why is there a ferry?
No cars are allowed on the island. There is just one, antique car that is still in beautiful condition, runs perfectly, that is used for special occasions such as weddings, funerals, etc. Other than that people can walk, rent bicycles, rent horses, rent horse drawn carriages. For a fee, of course. It can be pricey, yet there are very few places where you can have a similar experience. It's worth it! $$$$

There are also B&B's restaurants, touristy places, picnic spots by the shores of Lake Huron. 
A long time ago it was a military fort & some of the cannons used to defend the island are still there.
The last time I went to Mackinac Island, I went with my sister (who lives only a 20-minute car drive from the bridge & ferry dock). I had my eldest & youngest daughters with me. My sister had her daughter with her. 

I had brought my son & 1of my daughters with me on the drive from Colorado, picked the other daughter up at the airport a couple days after. One daughter was living in Florida, couldn't make it, we all missed her when we had so many great experiences with my side of the family. My brother-in-law thrilled my son with photos and talking about how good the fishing in that area was. 
My son did NOT want to spend a day sightseeing when he could go fishing with his uncle! In fairness to my son, he is, always has been a masculine guy & I indulged that when I could.
Often, I let him sit in the front seat of the car with me, to keep him from fighting with his 3 sisters. Rough life to be the only boy.  He & his uncle caught at least 20 - 18" walleye's which my sister served for dinner that evening when we got back. 
My son was so happy!!!!
I was happy, too, for him to witness firsthand that the upper peninsula of Michigan is TRULY a sportsmen's paradise! 

So, we set out for Mackinaw City, spent the night at a hotel then caught the ferry the next morning. There was a dispute several years ago, regarding the names of the city and the island. Hence, the different spellings. It was such fun to see my girls spending time with my niece & my sister. Those times were rare.
The whole day was a lot of fun. There was even a bit of excitement when a rascally teenage boy was dared by his brother to pull the rope & ring the bell on the very old church.
That bell was meant to only be rang in emergencies. The pastor was quite unhappy with the 2 teenage boys who ran at top speed, away!

The movie, Somewhere in Time, was filmed at The Grand Hotel which was built in 1887 in the style of luxurious European hotels of that era. It truly is a beautiful & magnificent sight to see.
During the summer there are large AMERICAN flags up and down the front porch along with bright red geraniums. 

My sister saw that I was a bit stressed out, dealing with teenage attitudes all day. She distracted them so I could slip away to treat myself to a small snack in the Grand Hotel.
It was nice, very quiet, the food was delicious. 
Then, they found me.

You might be curious about the movie, Somewhere in Time, right about now.

It's a love story, based on a novel, written in 1975 by Richard Matheson, Bid Time Return. It was directed by Jeannot Szwarc. It starred Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour, Christopher Plummer.
It combines the elements of science fiction, romance, beautiful locations plus just enough of an adversarial element to give it a bit of spice! 
The time periods when it was to have taken place in the opening of the movie was May 1972. Then, switched to June 1912. If you watch the movie, it might make more sense.

The movie was originally a box office flop that picked up such a huge audience that it was re-shown in theaters off and on all over the world, many times over.
There is a web site that has the schedule for a Somewhere in Time multiple day event, every October. Before his death, Chris Reeve attended some of those events along with Jane Seymour.
Right after the main tourist season ends & before the deep freeze of Michigan winter takes hold.
The attendees stay in the Grand Hotel, dress in the fashions of 1912, attending events that are recreated in the trends of 1912. I have some clothing from that time period, yes, it fits me!
Someday, I hope to go to one of those events.
The group has a website, have aptly named their group.
INSITE ~ International Somewhere In Time Enthusiasts.

There is a beautiful music box that plays the theme song for the movie. It's shown briefly, used as a prop in the movie. It was expertly hand crafted, modeled to look just like the front entrance of The Grand Hotel. When I experienced a stroke of prosperity, I bought it!

This clip shows the music box, also, the white Edwardian tea gown on the dress form in the back corner of the room that was Elise's.
(You might have to copy & paste the link below. My apologies.)

For many years, I watched the movie over and over, feeding my soul, my hopelessly romantic soul that was hungry for romance. Then, I started to only allow myself to watch it on Valentine's Day. A few times I even watched it twice, okay, three times only on Valentine's Day!
Romance can involve just one person, treating themselves to flowers, candlelight, sumptuous food & a romantic movie. It can also involve more than one person. Like a Lady Hawk, often, I like to fly solo.

LadyHawke  ~ Another romance of a similar ilk.

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