Thursday, January 27, 2022

What the pho!

Many people who have never lived in Texas, mistakenly believe that the temps are as hot as H-E- double hockey sticks all year around. Some parts, yes, with the occasional freaky snowstorm.
The small town where I live is in north Texas. Drive 257 miles, veer left, you'll be in Oklahoma. Veer right, you'll be in Arkansas. That should give a functional idea of the geography. The freak storm in Feb 2021 where most of Texas was without, I'd say, a lot! It lasted for anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks. 
People were sliding off the roads, totaling cars, pipes were bursting & children were making snow sculptures as far down as San Antonio. Many businesses that were still opened after the whole COVID debacle, took a serious hit. It was a BOHICA that kept giving!

To summarize, YES! It sometimes does get bone chilling cold in some parts of Texas. 
Icy cold or stupid hot, it's still Texas, which is a great place to live, just ask any Texan who was born here, lived here most of their life.
I'm a transplant, lived in Michigan until I left my parents' home to go to BMT at Lackland AFB then head to Hickam AFB, Honolulu, HI!
Rough life. 
There are only 3 places in Hawai'i where it snows. Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Haleakala. 10,000 - 14,000 feet above sea level. I did go to Haleakala, once. Froze my okole, didn't even get out of the car!

In a prior blog entry, I sang the praises of my Carrot Ginger Bisque. It really is a taste sensation. Loving variety as I do, it's good to change it up, rock out, shake the tree!
When it's so cold outside, this recipe will warm you up!
Another of my favorites is Pho, a Thai rice noodle & meat .....umm...soup, I guess?
There are some great dining options in the town where I live. None of them serve Pho. (pronounced as Fuh, no k, that's a different delicacy altogether!).
What the pho?
Oh, if I wanted to drive 2 hours for good Pho, I could. Dude, I wouldn't even walk a mile for a Klondike!
I consider myself an excellent cook!
Calm & collected on the street, steamin' hot in the kitchen! When the craving for Pho set in, it was time to get busy making my own.
I found this how to on the happiest place on the net, YouTube!

(You might have to copy & paste.)

When the temps drop, I make a big batch of this Pho broth, freeze it in small portions. Just the broth, by itself.  The recipe is easy, it does take time to make it. The reward is so dee-lish! Pho sho!

If making the broth is too time consuming for you, you can buy the broth. It's sold at most Walmart's along with the Thai rice noodles.

When I make Pho for one (I won't share mine with anyone!)
this is what I do.

I cook the rice noodles, boil for 5 minutes, drain then spoon them into a large bowl.

I snip cilantro or fresh basil on top of noodles in the bowl.

If the broth is thawed or you're using the store-bought kind, I put 2 cups of broth in a small pan. 

I love the thinly sliced boneless ribeye beef. I pull out 3 slices, cut into smaller pieces, put it into the broth. Turn up the heat to high, let it boil until the beef is cooked. Pour the beef & Pho broth onto the noodles & cilantro or what you have.
Creating this blog content made me hungry, here's my pho!
(The bowl is a true British classic. Portmierion in the Botanic Garden series.)

That's it! I calculated that, when you make it at home it costs roughly $2.50 per bowl! Amazeballs.

Caveat: If you like this, I'll warn you, it can be addicting. You might need more than one Pho fix per day. It's legal crack.

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