Saturday, August 14, 2021

All The Love

When I think of sunshine
 it may seem only logical that my thought traces would gear toward a warm sugar sand beach, an ice cold glass of lemon water.

When I think of sunshine it might conjure up images in my memory of the summer I rode a beautiful palomino nearly every day. To some degree, it does.

When you think of sunshine, what is the first idea or image that you can conjure up or recall?

Is it the warmth of the sun shining on your face?
Is it a secret delight in your own happy place?
Is it a memory of sweet recall from your childhood?
The ice cream you were promised if you would be good?

(Had to let my inner poet out to play)

When I think of sunshine, what I think of, is a pet cockatiel I had for several years. She was a beautiful yellow with bright orange darling little cheeks.

She loved me.
I know, like I know, like I know, she loved me. 
Her name was Sunshine.
She loved me, she trusted me. When she and I would sit on the sofa and watch a movie together, she would eat the popcorn along with me. When I yawned, she would put her entire head in my mouth, investigating, poking around a little, then go back to our popcorn.
Often, I took her on car rides, she would perch on my shoulder as I drove, then, into the store as I did my grocery shopping.
She was such a sweet bird. 
This is an actual photo that a friend took of us. It seemed a bit silly, at the time. 

I'm so happy to have the photo, now. Birds, as pets, mostly, live a shorter life than most dogs or cats. Angel pets with wings that pass on to be real angels. Gone too soon.

When I hit a rough patch in life, I remember the times in life that I received that much love. Whether it was from a pet or a human or even from a very happy experience.

In my life, for the past 2 years, I have been feeling so much happiness, so much contentment. It's nice to be in this blissful state of mind. So happy that I feel less need to recall those blissed out days.
It's as though all the pain from abuse as a child is neutralized. The anger, resentment, the bitterness of having to end a marriage that had become too abusive for me to be able to stay in it. The dark clouds are gone, the happiness is here, hopefully to stay. 

All of the love in my heart that was put there by friends, family & dear children with wings or fur, is so constant. In the place of having to dip into memories, it's there, with me, a permanent part of my hourly countenance. This is the best way to convey how it feels. Darling readers, forgive me, please, if I fall short in my description. I'm doing my very best.
You might ask, so, ask away.
The answer is that I hope that every person can arrive at the state of being that is described here.
I have enough to share.
Love is put in our hearts to share with others. Here is some of mine. Close your eyes, face the sun, feel the warmth. Feel the love.

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