Friday, October 30, 2020

Hearing it....again

Being too full of my own piss & vinegar is sooo far from how I roll. It's best to be humble, kind, compassionate. Seeking first to understand, then, to be understood. Choosing to be kind if I have the choice to be anything. 

Sometimes there is only one choice.

Last night, after going to a "happy place" I sometimes go to, I went to another "happy place". Shhhh.

I was sitting at my table, minding my own whatever. I caught the eye of a whoever, lol. 

Now, peeps, I dress, mostly to under impress. 
Just a gray T-shirt, yoga pants, ratty gym shoes. Living in the social climate of a small town, I can get away with it. Before I moved to a small town in Texas, I wore lady-suits, designer jeans, soft, flowy dresses. 
It's very very very laid back.

I was sitting by myself, I roll alone, mostly.

Mr. Whoever walked over to my table, didn't even ask, just sat himself down, with a smile. Confident SOB! LOL!
It was a public place, I had a charged taser in my purse.
We began to converse. He was not drinking, was a bit charming. Probably 20 - 30 years younger than me. Younger men approach me the most, it's become the usual for me, no longer shocks me.

We began to converse, he was actually quite charming, well spoken. Well mannered. He was a non tobacco user which is a plus. I had my doubts as to whether he was truly single as he claimed. The server came over, sat his steak down in front of him, I was just having guac & chips. he excused himself to wash his hands before eating. The server, a cutie pie 20s chikkie, removed all doubt as to whether Mr Whoever was truly single as he claimed. Kewel. 
In truth, it doesn't matter to me. 
A few years ago, it might have. Less so in present day, tyvm.

One of the "last straw" guys nearly got me killed. It was time to stop.
While I was still alive, yeah, if I'm going to die, I don't want to get beaten to death by a jealous ex & her girl gang on a dark night in Colorado. I gave up, mostly, after that. It got way too ugly.

After he returned to the table, the conversation was pleasant. He was unconvinced that I, myself, was truly single, having no man in my life. Then, he said the words that I have heard in so many derivatives, so many times, it has nearly become cliche' in present day.

"How can you be single?"
"You're too pretty to be single!"
"You're too young & too pretty to be single!"
On & on.
I know that I am "youthful", feel like I am around 25!

Poor dude.
My days of wanting a man in my live are over. The males out there who are liars, cheaters, players, have cured me. Being single & celibate for the rest of my life is better. 

It would take a helluva lot to convince me to think otherwise.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


 I keep changing
Moving through 
Getting better
Express it in

If you try to keep
Just let me
Like the 
Let our connection

Like a rosebud tightly
Slowly opening each
My life is about
Loving mischievous

Find your own
Find you own
Flow like a
For you this I

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Apologies for the tease in my immediate prior entry.

Sorry, um, not sorry. 😎

Teasing & mischief can be fun.

As one who loves to culinate (my own made up slang-ish), I used to cook to please others. This means that most of the time there was less nutrient, more flavor. I didn't know what I didn't know.

Changing the type of food, quality, portions as well as the time of day one eats can yield surprising health benefits to the body.


Predominant nutrient, good flavor. Healthy food can be delicious! Spicy foods have always torn my tummy up since I was a small child. Now? 
I'm a big baby, lol.

The only store bought salsa I can handle is Pace, mild salsa, so I cook with it when I am cooking with salsa.

Here is a quick & easy as well as HEALTHY dish I love.

2 large eggs
1/8 cup salsa

Cook & scramble the eggs, when mostly cooked, add salsa.

Often, I will add a few tablespoons of tuna or a chopped salmon fillet for extra protein. I LOVE avocados. Often I will pit, de shell & slice a 'cado to eat with this. 
I have been eating 1 small avocado every day for the last 15 yrs.

Another go to, I use.

2 eggs
1 small Roma tomato, sliced thin
1/4 Red Onion, sliced thin
A dash or so of salt
Butter (real butter)

Heat the pan to melt the butter. Add the tomato & onion. Simmer whilst moving the onion & 'mato around until the onion is tender.
Add the eggs. Scramble along with 'mato & onion. Cook until the egg is fully cooked. Unless you're a body builder, then, just crack the raw eggs into your mouth, eat the onion & 'mato.

Often, I will have a salmon filet or a 'cado with it. 

Sometimes I will cut a chicken breast into small pieces, simmer it in water, drain it well, then, add 1/2 cup of salsa. You can have this with 1/2 cup of brown rice or even a 1/2 cup of shredded veggies such as lettuce, bell pepper, spaghetti squash or hey! All 3? 

Here is a third option for travel or at home.

When I travel by air, still, I try to eat healthy. Taking food with me in my hand carried items. Apples & boiled eggs will go through security every time. It's funny, because a weed pipe can be made out of an apple. Am not sure about the boiled eggs, ha ha! Google it.

Whilst traveling by air, I pack apples, mayonnaise packets, 5 oz cans of tuna. 1 apple, 1 can of tuna, 2 mayo packets per day that I will be in a hotel. A small kitchen knife to chop the apple. A can opener, sometimes my P-38, a spoon & a small bowl. The reasoning is that if I get to the hotel it may be late at night or I may be too fatigued to seek out food. Room service is okay, yet, my alternative is just enough food, most likely healthier. I combine the drained tuna, the chopped apple & 2 mayo packets to make a delicious tuna salad, no bread. I try to avoid bread if I can.

Sometimes, I add celery or onion or dried cherries (or cranberries) if I am at home. It does a body good!

When a person is trying to improve their health, having healthy, quick options can make a difference. Many people might have had only fast food, processed food or food that fostered unhealthy habits as a child. 

It IS possible to change those food choice habits as an adult.

You CAN choose.  😁

Friday, October 16, 2020

There's No Skin on Chicken Nuggets or Popcorn Chicken

One of my key phrases in life is this:



Does it make you think?

Well, good on ya!

Do you prefer to not think about it, aka pleasure eating, emotional eating, gluttony, binge eating. 
Snap! You get the picture. 😇 

Sometimes eating is about being social, making memories, celebrating, a get together just because. In todays world of luxury being common place, fast food is everywhere.
Marketing of food is so convincing. Cheeky feckers!

This is just one of the causes of the obesity epidemic. Then, for the pleasure of eating total yumminess, have a soda drink or a cocktail with that! Water? What? I can't hear you! Water is boring.
(I find water to be exciting! Countries can be seen economically according to their easy access to clean water. Safe to drink, too!)

Occasional fast food or even restaurant food is fine. Every day? At your own risk. The risk of damaging your own health, peeps. When you do this, there are, now, healthier options on most menus.

Can you remember the last time you ate whilst being truly hungry? The ghrelin gremlin was kicking up a Texas size fuss in your gut, so loud, other people could hear it?
Try to convince them that it was your tum-tum, not your bowels!
It was that loud.

More likely, you can't remember when this happened last or it never HAS happened to you, personally. Lucky duck!

Processed food is everywhere, easily accessed, easily purchased. Many people even concoct then consume chemicalized substance in their own homes. Even, sweet, innocent popcorn is sold in a paper package, loaded with chemicals, sodium, unpronounceable rubbish.

Since some people may not remember "old school" popcorn, this is for you!

If you buy "loose popcorn" as in, the old school bags for $1. - $2., just wait to be amazed. The fact that your loose kernel popcorn, even with butter, a bit of seasoning will cost a scant .33.
Microwave popcorn by the bag? $2. - $3.
As one who loves the aroma as well as the crunch of warm, buttered popcorn, loose popcorn could save $110. per year.
That is.
If you love the misshapen morsels as much as I do!

There is a movement called:
JERF ~ Just eat real food.
It seems to go along with the Keto or Atkins popularity. Many people are waking up from their chemicalized substance which passes for the real deal. People are coming out of the sugar fog that has laid heavy on the brains & bodies of people, world wide. Label reading is becoming more common, Farmers Markets are more common, now.

Some people will tear the skin off of their chicken, toss it out. Many will turn up their noses at skin-on salmon. Another practice is to crack an egg opened, toss the yolk, only eat the albumen or what is commonly referred to as "egg whites".

In our political climate, I would prefer the yellow to the white, do ya feel me? I just had to, 'tis the season.

In truth?

The yellow or yolk is the substance that would nourish, create new life, provide essential B-12, vitamins A, D, E and K. Also, Omega 3 fats. All of these will nourish a persons skin, brain even help with vision.

When the skin on chicken or salmon is removed, so is most of the most nourishing part of the fish or the bird. There is a lack of skin on chicken nuggets or popcorn chicken. Those contain 70% breading, not much chicken therefore, very little nutrient.

Please understand, I love me some chicky nuggets. Popcorn chicken? Why yes, yes please. Umm, nah. I gave those up, replaced them with real food. Slight inconvenience, huge health benefit.

Having studied these topics for a long time, I wanted to share. 💗

PS - In my next blog entry, I hope to share some natural, healthy, delicious recipes. Simple, inexpensive & fast to prep. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Ha ha. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Simon Baker & Other Good Men

A very skewed group of phrases I hear a lot is this:

"Nice guys finish last"

"Girls/Women only want the bad boys."


There is a difference between a "nice guy" or a wimpy limp wrist guy. Also known as a wimp. Also, it's mostly women/girls who are emotionally damaged who are attracted to the "bad boys", who are also quite damaged, themselves. Such a winning combo.

A "nice guy" is one with self respect. He respects himself, first, then, he extends that courtesy to others. A wimp has no self respect, gives more courtesy to others, disregarding what he needs, how he feels. Others are only treating him in a way he allows.

The guys who are good guys when they could be jerks, players, F-Boys, are truly the best! When a guy gets to the realization that:

Hey! The ladies love me!

I must be quite handsome because of the way girls react to me!

I can charm the knickers off of any female I choose to charm!

To avoid embarrassing the living players of both celebrity status as well as some of them I know who are amongst the living, here goes!

A few examples of males who used their charm to take advantage:

Elvis Presley

Hugh Grant

Wilt Chamberlain

Kobe Bryant

David Cassidy

That's the oh so short, micro list. 

For several years, after a deeply painfilled marriage followed by an even more painful divorce, I didn't watch many TV shows at all. I would watch movies or a TV series on DVD. I would sit there, working on an artistic project with the DVD playing. I dated a bit, here & there. It was very frightening as to who was out there & all the lying, all the cheating, all the violent date crimes.

Something I noticed, which I had never taken notice of before, was how many guys played women & girls like pianos. As in multiples. Keeping several women as well as their wife on a string all at once, it was so disappointing to realize how horrid it had become.

The guys knew they were married, most often lied to other women about it. Keeping up the ruse of being single until they had the truly single woman hooked on him, THEN, fessed up. It can be quite confusing when a guy says he's "taken", yet acts like he is not.

Then, there were/are the ones who use the lie that they are "separated", although, not legally, as it would imply. In their mind, their wife was at home with their children, he had run out to the "store" for the children's cereal for the next day. They were GEOGRAPHICALLY separated, NOT legally as it is implied.

Then, there is the guy who uses the time that he and his wife are truly legally separated, to get laid as often as possible. He will use the lame excuse, "We were separated, so, it was okay."               Psssst, hey, buddy? It's NOT okay.

Dr. Jordan Peterson has a very good quote about this.

By the same token? A man who knows he could use his looks & charm to hop from bed to bed, breaking hearts as he goes, yet, refrains. He opts to be a decent person, a gentleman.

Examples. As, I believe you may want examples.

Steve Young (Former NFL linebacker )                                      

Simon Baker (very HOT Aussie actor)                                            

My prior landlord (I won't mention his name. So good to his wife!)  

Dr. Jordan B Peterson ( University of Toronto, CA psychologist & counselor. His whole countenance lights up when speaking of his wife.

In an admission that I was somewhat sheltered from what's hot on TV, I had not heard of Simon Baker until COVID lock down!

I started watching The Guardian. The star of the series is hot - hott, Mr Simon Baker.

When hearing that the show bombed I was totally truly shocked.

The show is GREAT!

I know that Simon Baker became more known for The Mentalist. In truth, that show has totally escaped me. What I do know is that whilst checking into Simon's background, I found some very surprising & refreshing information. He was born in Tasmania, lived his later childhood years in a surfing town in Australia. He self describes as a somewhat shy, country guy. Looking at his photos before he got a major start, he's far from falling out of the ugly tree!

Simon Baker describes his feelings when he met his wife, Rebecca Rigg. He states that he was blown away by her communication style, how direct she was. He had never met anyone like her, before. They have been married for a skoosh over 20 years, 3 children. 

Simon could have easily, with his charm, wit, intelligence & good looks been such a player. 

He has that clean cut, "I'm a good guy" look!" Timelessly handsome.

He could have kissed all the girls & none of them would have cried!


He CHOSE to be a decent person, faithful to his wife. Devoted to his 3 children. He did what it takes, continues doing what it takes to be a good husband & father. Perfectly imperfect. He's just one.

Good men in the world still exist. Mostly, they are unsung heroes!


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...