Sunday, January 19, 2025

Hot Aussie Theory

I know which show I'm going to on my next trip to Vegas.

This is a combo post of history & my own personal theory. Two in one, how about that.

People may know that between 1788 - 1868 Great Britain sent over 162,000 people who had committed crimes, to Australia. In 1833 alone, 7,000 people were transported on large prison ships of which only 5,000 survived. The ships were cramped, uncomfortable. 

Rats & other disease carrying pests tended to overpopulate on the long seafaring voyages.

Prisoners who were thought to be dangerous, violent, belligerent were shackled or otherwise immobilized for long stretches of time. Food was scarce, the quality of it was poor, much of it was spoiled or stale. The crew & prisoners ate it anyway. 

Many of these male criminals fit in with the extremely attractive bad boy look & personality. Way to go Great Britain. 

Unload thousands of hot looking criminals to one big continent. 

Let them seed & breed, battle it out with each other. Let them crank out insanely attractive progeny who may or may not turn to criminal behavior as they become adolescents, then, adults. Most children follow their parents' example as a way to conduct themselves. A handful will choose a different life whether for the better or the other.

Granted, many of the ones sent packing committed minor infractions, sending them away was a way to rid England of all levels of riff raff. From --->the teenager who had no food, was so hungry she or he grabbed something, ate it without paying for it.
To ---> the drunk person (male or female) who had caused a public ruckus over & over, causing malcontent amongst the other people.

Off to Aussieland with you and don't come back

As most of the non-indigenous people arrived, began to procreate. Many people, at least in attractiveness, hit the genetic jackpot so much so that the continent began to be populated with such good-looking people that the word began to spread. The tales of men going into a tavern where each serving wench was even more comely than the one before. Ladies who had been to Australia would trade titillating gossip away from where the menfolk could hear. 
Talk of very muscular men with no shirt also no fear. They were still mostly in possession of decent manners as well as a chivalrous attitude toward those of the fairer gender.

The last prison ship arrived in Australia in January 1867 in the Freemantle. 267 souls aboard. It marked the end of 80 years of shipping even the mildest of offenders to Australia still under the rule of Great Britain.

Let's attempt to flip the deporting of criminals to Australia on its butt.

There are those out there who believe that the criminals never made it to Australia. The claim is that the ships, laden with minor to serious offenders, were instructed to sail far from land. So that if the prisoners were dumped into the ocean, their chances of reaching land were most unlikely. Then, the prisoners were dumped into the ocean.

The conspiracy theory is that there were well concocted lies, forged documents by government officials. Furthermore, it's proposed that the Aussies who verify that their ancestors were shipped to Australia are well paid actors/actresses. More recently AI generated personas have been created to further attempt to support that the prisoners were deposited in Australia, not dumped into the ocean.

This is just a theory, albeit a terrible one, it has never been proved nor disproved.

Whatever the theory is, there have been a positive disproportionate number of hot hot Aussies. They were considered British subjects until 1984 after which the people of Australia were considered to be simply, Australian Citizens. Great Britain had colonized Australia in the past. Aussie government plus many citizens wanted to break free from being under British rule. It was time.

There are so many reasons as to why Australia & many people from there are so appealing. The weather tends to be very comfortable. The population of the continent as a whole is lower than other continents with the same land mass. Australians mostly enjoy a laid-back lifestyle. There are plenty of beaches along with perfect beach weather. This gives so many people who live there, a natural glow from the year round mostly sunny weather.

One aspect it seems mandatory to mention is the Australian accent or Australian English. Granted, not all people like the way it sounds. Some peeps don't like the way Aussies sound, oh, but most peeps do!
(see what I did?)
The sound is unmistakable. The terminology is also unique.

Here's an easy to remember one - Aussie! An Australian citizen.

Brolly - Umbrella\
Barbie - BBQ
Fair Dinkum - Straight Forward
Avo - Avocado
Legless - Someone who is very intoxicated
Pissed - Intoxicated or drunk
Stubby - A bottle of Beer
Clucky - Maternal
Coppers - Police Men
Drongo - A fool or someone acting like one
(Don't be a drongo, mate!)
Footy - Football
Root Rat - A nympho, especially a guy
Sheila - A woman
Up Yourself - Snobby or stuck up
Roos loose in the top paddock - Crazy or a bit wacky
Budgie Smugglers - Speedo swimsuit
Bruce - An Aussie guy

Some of these you may have heard before as so many have been adopted outside of Australia. Some of them make sense, some make no sense unless you're a bloke or a sheila.

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