Friday, March 24, 2023

Star Trek sweet Star Trek

 Star Trek has been a part of my life for many years. It has a very clean feel to it. More dedicated to intelligent minds, personal greatness. 
Akin to serving in the United States Air Force. Yes, I am a veteran who happily, voluntarily served my country which I dearly love.

I sorta kinda like Star Wars, which, to me, is like nitty gritty dirty gerry rigging, hotwire it, make due with what you have. 

Both are good, have their dedicated followers.

The somewhat new emergence of the 3 new-ish series combining some new characters with many of the prior characters from STNG, Voyager, possibly mentions with possible reintroductions. It's quite thrilling. I know it's thrilling for me.

Star Trek Picard is definitely in the lead of popularity. SNW (Strange New Worlds) is getting some love although having to wait so long for season 2 is a bit of a burr under the saddle. 
SNW was a smash hit, I believe, in a substantial part to the re-introduction of the very charismatic Anson Mount who plays Captain Christopher Pike. In the original Star Trek series, Captain Pike barely got much air time before a tragic accident reduced him to being 100% kept alive by a contraption resembling a vertical Iron Lung.

This new, healthy, virile, Captain Pike has many of us girls hoping that the character of Captain Pike will have his fate postponed or even skillfully bypassed by the writers. In episode one, seeing him in bare feet whipping up some breakfast for his lady. He just looks so masculine! Yum!
As a horse lover, it's a complete turn on to see Christopher Pike, on a gorgeous black stallion, in a sheep shear jacket, full beard, as the aerial shot shows them galloping across a snow covered field at his Montana ranch. There is just something very appealing about a man who knows how to handle a horse!

WOW! He can cook AND he can ride!
Anson Mount lends some serious eye candy. The trademark smirk lends an additionally attractive bit of mystery to the mix.

Then I will give a bit of love to Spock who has been dubbed "hot Spock". When he first appeared in ST Discovery, he instantly had a following because he played the iconic Vulcan so well.


No beard

Surprise me

Of course, with Ethan Peck who plays hot Spock, being the grandson of an actor who was equally a smashing success, Gregory Peck. 
Hot Spock & Captain Pike got their start on ST Discovery which shot off in its own direction. 
I love that series, also! Disco rules again.

Sir Patrick Stewart as he reprises his role as the much loved Jean Luc Picard, Admiral Picard or Captain Picard, he answers to both.

As I have spent time with acquaintances from England, Australia as well as Scotland & Ireland. It's a real kick to hear their isms crop up.  An Aussie toast that I was so entertained to hear:
"Cheers big ears" 
The reply is:
"Same goes big nose"
The reply was bypassed, it was still such a kick to hear it!

In a recent episode, ST Picard S3, it was a nice surprise to hear a phrase that couple of English blokes I knew, said occasionally.
When explaining a plan that was a nearly guaranteed success:
"Bobs your uncle, Fannies your aunt, lets go!"

If you spend enough time with people who use these isms, it's so endearing to hear them said, unexpectedly in a show or episode.

Jean Luc Picard, explaining to the son he had only realized he had, just days earlier. They were getting to know each other, trading stories. His son, Jack, is a lover of Jameson Whiskey! His father, Picard, more of a wine drinker. Love it!
The only flaw I saw was that Jack Crusher refers to Jameson Whiskey as "cheap". It's a rather pricey bottle. 

Picard begins describing an adventure with his best friend when they were in their early 20s, a chance meeting with two 
"delightful young ladies"
The description even gets a chuckle from Jack!
"Oh they were delightful, were they?"
Picard responds with:
"Yes, also very enthusiastic!""
These are the Aussie/Engisms I love!

Of course, if Jean Luc Picard is going to have adventures, a natural wingman is William T. Riker played by Jonathan Frakes. He's now, Captain Riker, love that! A bit older, a bit wiser, his spoken lines are so well timed, so skillfully delivered.
Love it!

"General or Commodore or whatever you're calling yourself. Right now, I'm on the bridge of the toughest, fastest, most powerful ships Star Fleet has ever put into service. I've got a fleet of them at my back. We have our phasers locked on your warp cores. Nothing would make me happier than you, giving me an excuse, to kick your treacherous Tal Shiar azz. But instead, I'm going to ask you to stand down."

That one bit of dialog was so thrilling!

Jonathan Frakes really brings it home as he reprises his role as Commander Riker, now a reinstated Captain Riker. A married man (he FINALLY married Deanna Troi played by Marina Sirtis). Although their first born was a son, they have a very cheeky pre-teen daughter.

It was announced early on that Star Trek Picard would have 3 seasons with 10 episodes per season. As sad as it makes many who love this series.
I am just going to geek out, enjoy, while it lasts. All good things.

"So, five card stud, nothing wild....and the sky's the limit."

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Life is just a dream

I'm a hopeful romantic, a realist a proactive, plus more rolled into one. Life for me can be an adventure, always a lot of fun!

'Tis the season of winter mon cherie, my love
With the snow slowly falling from up above
Under a blanket of snow Gaia is sleeping
Any dream in slumber it's a secret in keeping
When I rest betimes to go to that vision of life
What may have been as a mother as your wife
Such a true to life dream imperfect by far
As long as I could be there wherever you are
We had far less time together than most folks do
When you find your person you know it is true
You found me I found you in such a quirky way
A rare time I was lacking in what to say
We believed in a vision we both could see
So euphoric for what would soon enough be
Time flew by as we spoke of everything
Prose may fall short for those in believing
Moving on feels like a betrayal of all that we shared
Our connection so tight with both our souls bared
Parting is easier when both people are still living
Pain of losing him to death is far less forgiving
Speaking of you is an annoyance to so many others
Except those rare times spent with your band of brothers
They get it they knew the high caliber of ish you could be
Seeing how happy you were since the day you met me
I was your mariposa you were my delicious big net
Saying you saw your unborn child in my eyes I could not forget
Each night I look for your star by the light of the pearly moon
How I long for that day wishing it could happen soon

Monday, March 13, 2023



What do snakes, ducks & possums have in common?
When they are hunted or threatened, they all play dead. 

What do rabbits, deer, squirrels & mice have in common?
They scream loudly when injured or being pursued as the pursuers next meal or simply for sport.

Female foxes aka Vixens make a sound that can be mistaken for a screaming human woman. Except, for the vixen it's a mating call, saying, 
"Here I am, foxy!"

These all are dead giveaways that an animal is in pain, injured or wanting some action.

In the past decade, a new trait which started out small, continues to be even more prevalent. The culture of complaining.
Complaint about a blown-up situation that was small in reality.
Complaining about other people having more, having an economic advantage.
Kvetching about siblings or parents or co-workers treating the kvetched, unfairly or badly.
Ruminating long term about a squirrelly romantic other or the lack of a "good" one. (That's quite subjective)
The infamous moan & groan about obesity while living on edible garbage, extremely low in nutritional value or devoid of it.

This list can grow faster than a speeding sh*t show! 

Complaining can be okay, as a release of frustration. The pain has to go somewhere, right?

Ladies are mostly looked down on if they adjust their genitals in public, fart, belch, show their underwear. Therefore, they need to b*tch or run the risk of exploding.  😇

Everyone needs to vent at some point whether it's in the gym, taking a 3 mile run, going to a counselor, talking with a trusted friend. Many other ways to release the pressure.

With the rise of the internet there has also been the rise of trolls. 

Individuals who are so malcontent in their lives, devoid of any real power to change their circumstances. Immaturity combined with general anger with themselves which they project, armed with access to the internet & a lifetime supply of caffeine & Cheetos! 
Many will mistakenly believe that lashing out at complete strangers with vitrioled phrases, which is meant to inflame others, will make them feel better about themselves. Their targets have a scant chance of finding the troll or knowing who they are. 
Nil possible recourse.

Anyone who has ever used the anonymity of the internet to vent their anger or cheat on a bf/gf, husband or wife or just be mean for the fun of it, might recognize this. Most people have done some of these or maybe even all of these in varying degrees. It's all part of the gift of the internet that keeps on giving!

One rather sad aspect of this is that people will broadcast their emotional pain all over the net, in public view. While it's fairly common ~ I refrain from judging ~ I have done it. Millions or more will broadcast their pain on their personal social media, in comments sections of various sites that allow it. 
Does it make a person feel better about themselves?
Maybe, momentarily.
Then, the pain wells up again, so the answer seems to be, to the one in turmoil, to go in for another hit. 
Pain - Hit - Relief - Pause - Pain - Hit - Relief - Pause. Repeat.
A troll is born!!!!

When the internet was on its way to gaining popularity among most people in the world, it was a bit safer as well as mostly devoid of trolls. When people who were in such emotional pain that it spilled over into comments sections, videos, personal social media etc, a need to have ways to censor, block, delete was developed. This was a helpful tool, then, the scammers arrived. Trolls began creating multiple aliases belonging to one person.

One very angry, sad, unkind person spreading it all over the net.
As the numbers of trolls rose, it became necessary to simply block them as dealing with them only added fuel to the trolls' delight.

What to do.
What to do.
What to do.
What to do.

Being just one person, I made the conscious decision to stop broadcasting my pain. It's far from my current nature to be a troll. Unfortunately, I did broadcast my pain, before. It's on the internet, it's there forever. It lives on in web sites, social media, hard drives.
The past is fixed, will remain the same. 
All a person can do is to strive to be better, do better, in the aha moment of realization that broadcasting your pain only causes one to hold onto that pain.

If you want a wound to heal, you must refrain from touching it.

These thoughts have gone through my mind for several months, now. Life has been moving so fast for me. With work, travel, the pursuit of beautiful needlework patterns, it was necessary to cogitate on how to express these thoughts in an understandable way. Waiting until the time, presence of mind, verbal skill was there was necessary.

Making the conscious decision to refrain from broadcasting my own personal pain has served to free up my mind from past traumas. It would seem that writing about personal ills would serve to smooth them over.
Quite the opposite is true.
Along with being a nicer human, online at least, it made sense to spend less time on social media. Also, commenting less than I used to. Even when a person makes a benevolent comment, the trolls will find a way to post an inflammatory reply. Where there is only a benign comment trolls will often find a way to twist it to suit their agendas. 
Trolls will be snarkskies.
Snarkskies will troll.

As a result, after only 6 months of changing my online habits, I feel more peaceful, more energized. I love the work that I do in a field I'm passionate about. Working more has benefitted me a lot. Though it's slow & steady, my suhweet lil bank balance is growing.Little bit by little bit.

If anything ceases to grow or change for better it will begin to die.

C'mon bank account, grow! Keep growing! I know you can do it!

Prosperity & riches is about more than just money. It's equally about feeling secure, having the lucre to live your dreams, help others, be there for family when they hit a rough patch. It gives the security in knowing that if an emergency arises, it can be handled.

These are what a "Troll be gone" attitude is made of.

It might help the ones reading this to try this same approach for themselves. Less time on social media, more positive activities. Fewer comments that broadcast personal pain, more kindly response when a troll offers a mean comment in pursuit of thrills & chills.

Hello 2023!
Goodbye trolls!


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