Monday, October 3, 2022

Life Solution #1

Do you love summer? Do you love spring?

As one who loves warm weather, despises cold weather, snow, ice, sleet, melancholy moods set in with the first snow of the season for me. Often, I stay in bed, all day, when the first snow falls.

As much as I love warm weather, it brings something that annoys the #2 out of me. No, this isn't about potty humor. Sorry, not sorry.

One aspect of warm weather that is so irritating to me, is the common, annoying, where do they come from, how are they getting inside.

Can you guess?

If you guessed that it's children, that's a big "no". I love children & most children love me. Such a gift of sweetness.

If you guessed that it's mice, I can touch on that in a later blog entry.
If you guessed roaches or general insects, ditto on that, too.
Hey! I live in a rural area where critters that find their way into people's homes are just part of the country charm!

Cutting to the chase, it's house flies. Mm Hm. So annoying!

They annoy me more than they annoy most people. People rarely annoy me. I love being around most people.

House flies!

By now, many people might know that I live in north Texas. I moved to Texas in 2012. Something I noticed after moving to Texas is that the critters are a bit tougher, more resilient. Having lived in many locations in the USA as well as other countries, the critters are definitely tougher, here.

Here is the main point of my blog entry. I started doing this soon after I moved to Texas. It seemed very logical to me, I figured everyone would know about it. As I spoke of my life hack method for getting rid of house flies, I realized that most people didn't know about it. 

As I am quite frugal, more of a saver, far less of a spender, I invented my method to get rid of house flies. The flies in Texas are tougher, they are also faster than house flies I have given a sendoff to, in other areas of the US as well as the rest of the world where I have lived or visited. 

Another aspect of my method is that it costs next to nothing!

All you need is a small bottle with a fine mist sprayer top & water.

That's it!

House flies can't launch if their wings are wet. The weight of the water also makes it difficult for them to even crawl! Just one or two spritzes on the unsuspecting fly guys, they are still alive, just completely immobilized.

Dispose of then as you like.

You're welcome.

PS ~ House flies also hate peppermint or any mint. A few drops of peppermint essential oil on windowsills. Rodents & roaches hate it, too. It cut down on the number of flies that were getting in.
The ones that do still get in will die because I'm armed with a spray bottle & vacuum cleaner with a mean clean hose attachment!

PPS At this time, a few days after the original post, there are no more house flies in my house. The ones that were in the house are dead. The peppermint oil on my windowsills has repelled others from entering my house.



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