Friday, June 24, 2022

With Love From a Sage

My grandfather told me to never wear my heart on my sleeve 
That people will see it as their opportunities to use me
Then leave me in the aftermath to heal my heart as I grieve
As long as I show less to others there isn't much to see
My grandfather told me to only ever speak words of truth
To speak wisely speak kindly while watching and observing
How I wish I had perfected it when I was in single digit youth
A practice that all people know is such good dignity preserving
Though I learned such lessons much later on than most people do
It's better to have learned these things later than not learn them at all
A trauma filled childhood kept me guessing what was false or true
His loving lessons still catch me before I might trip then fall
They comfort me when nursing a wounded or shattered heart
People of the world can be so deceptive it hinders a judgment call
With lies upon lies that that can tear a person's very soul apart
Grandpa said to believe nothing people say & half of what they do
To be safer from predatory people looking for others as prey
These cautions he lovingly spoke to me have always rung so true
As I employ his kindly lessons while living them each & every day
In retort to the often-said God bless you after he had a sneeze
"And may the devil take you" with a smile and a glint in his eye
He told me that to be a happy person you must do as you please
You can't please all people, nor should anyone deign to try
It's important to know your mind likewise to know your worth
Love those who love you who show it when they prioritize you
A concept so simple so ignored by so many who walk this earth
Let go of those in your life who once did yet they no longer do
Neither loan nor borrow that which you wish to have back
Give it with no thought of it being returned unscathed to you
Peace of mind is so very precious to keep relationships intact
Resentment is easier to harbor than forgiveness is ever to do
So I raise a glass of chilled Vernors which was his favorite drink
He claimed that it could chase away troubles though he had so few
A rich legacy in many he taught by his example to wisely think

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