Monday, February 5, 2024

The Hollow

When all you can do is sit alone  
Thinking about him
Struggling to imagine your life
Living without him

It's a feeling of the abysmal ache
The hollow in your chest
How to live with half of your heart
Because you gave him the rest

You might hold onto the clothes you wore
During happy times you both knew
Use up that last drop of perfume he loved
(on the bathroom rug)
If you don't it's okay that I do

It's more work to fall asleep now
Waking from a beautiful dream so real
Coming down from the high it gave
Withdrawals from the way he made you feel

Its replacement was a cheap dupe
The hollowness was such a let down
Sure didn't see that happening to me
Life was a circus & I was the clown

Hello how are you is just something people regurge
People say it while most don't want me to say
If I told them the truth of the mess my mind is
They would tell me to take it to Jesus to pray

So I take baby steps in so called self care
A Yoga class a long sweat to my happy place
That which heals me a little each day
Softens the dreaded RB Face

Take a ceramics class or basket weaving after that
Take a library book home with you read it to yourself
Take it back from whence you got it in 7 days or more
Just like the loaner put your heart back on a shelf

Give it time as your broken-ness heals but go slow
Give it fresh air with sunshine with ocean if you can
Give it sweet words full of such encouragement!
Give it all to yourself that you gave to a man
(Get some vitamin sea!)

Love him deeply with all of the hot passion you did
Go hard girl this one last big glorious time that cleanses
Then start the new life you've been promising you
Throw a solo party when you finally get your menses


These are simply my musings as I reflect on having my heart broken too many times during the years I was a single girl. Out there in the jungle of predators, weak little bunnies, wolves in sheepskins. Then, there were the scant true blues who kept hope alive in me that I would eventually meet Mr. Right, leaving the MR RIGHT NOWS behind. 

After a while a girl has to realize that she has to be her own best friend, that there is evil that exists in the world that goes looking for sincere people to devour for their pleasure. As cliche' as this is, the people of the world will hurt you, use you, toss you aside carelessly whether you are one who truly tries to do what is right or not. It matters so little to the selfish ones who want whatever they want. Whether it's good for you or others & even if it isn't.

These have been my musings. Getting them out onto a window to my soul aka my personal blog feels good. Whether right or wrong or any shade in between. Here it is.

Pamper yourself with self-care, self-love, self-indulgence. Just enough to begin to fill the hollow places in your heart, mind & spirit.
Excess within control.

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