Monday, January 29, 2024

Do you believe in magic?

You may call it magic or serendipity or make up another word or phrase to describe it.
The law of attraction is my jam. Having seen it in action, as real as a sunset or sunrise, I believe. It's a very natural thing. I'm more spiritual than religious. 
Religion is a manmade construct designed to control the population, specifically to control women & children. Just as the semi- myth of Santa Claus. A man-made construct to affect childrens obedience.
Religion is constructed by men, to give those in power, greater leverage. In fairly recent times, women & children were considered the property of their closest male kin. If they were truly fortunate, they had a benevolent male next of kin.
Most of the time it was less fortune or a mixture of pain &  
In many countries around the world slavery is still very real, considering females & minor male children as property is just as real. Long after slavery was abolished in the USA, females & minor males were still considered the property of their male, next of kin.
Look up coverture laws.
I digress.

The principles of the law of attraction or LOA have gotten a lot of buzz for the past 2 decades or so. Though it's a very natural phenomenon, it can feel like magic. It can feel magical as its witnessed in action because people want to believe it, though have never seen proof. The input of people who nay say it as being a nonsensical belief by those of strong naivety, can have an effect on the belief of it.

Although I am not religious, for those of you readers who are, the principle of the law of attraction is mentioned in the Bible 12 times or more. Please, refrain from taking what is written here as truth. 
Do your own search for knowledge, for confirmation. 

It can feel like magic when you meet someone that makes you feel warm, tingling, giddy happiness. In today's world we know it's due to a mix of chemicals a human body makes. It's the happy-joy feeling that has brought people together for centuries. Then, they make more people, then those people make more people & so on.
Helluva plan.
It begins when she sinks in his arms then continues with her arms in the sink.

Another "something magical" is when you are walking along, then, you see the sun glinting off of a coin on the sidewalk. Do you pick it up? Do you leave it there? I pick coins up when I see them. US coins have a phrase on them, "In god we trust". That, in itself is worthy of stopping, stooping down to pick it up. Keeping a jar in my console in my car & another in my house. I put the coins I find plus change from making cash purchases, in these two jars. I used to cash them in at my bank on January 2 of every year. Since I enjoy more prosperity, I cash the coins in when the jars get full. Most often it adds up to $300. - $500. A tidy little sum.
Considering that half or more is found money, it's kinda fun. 

Life is magical in itself. Made up of happiness, wonder, little miracles, things that can give your heart a happy jump if you allow it.

A personal experience of this magic, though it was quite a while back in my short life. I had been driving to the North Shore of O'ahu, when I was based at Hickam AB, Hawai'i. I had gone there a few times to watch the surfers. They looked like they had such carefree lives. Always smiling, whooping with fervor when one of them had been in the barrel. That sweet spot in the hollow with the ocean wave curling around them.
I wanted to do that, though I knew I lacked the skill.
One day, I got an idea. Deciding that the next time I headed out to the North Shore, I would have a bucket of KFC & a 12 pk of beer. I set myself up close to where the surfers would be, close enough for them to smell the KFC! 😇
It worked!
The guys who had been surfing, started looking over to where I was. Yep, they smelled the chicken. But haole people aka white people have a well-earned reputation for being too high nose or snobby to the locals. I was a haole who had only been courteous to the people while I was there. 
I looked at them with awe & respect. I didn't deserve the hate stares. Then, there was my dream, learning to surf, at least to novice level.

I was a haole.
A white girl with long blonde hair, beer & KFC!
One of the guys approached, introduced himself, asked me where the rest of the party was. I told him, no party, just me, unless you & your buds want to join me for lunch.
That was the start.
I wasn't going to pay a surf instructor on Waikiki for surfing lessons, I wanted to learn from some of the best. I was working 6/3 so the days I would be there would vary. I let the surfer guys know. I brought chicken & beer; they showed me how to surf. 
Scary & fun!
One day the waves were very high & rough. The guys were there. I thought, OMGoodness, I guess I'm going to learn a lot today! One of the guys was a bit afraid for me, didn't want me to go out there. Maybe I should have been afraid, I was excited to try.
One of the guys let me use his board with a ~
"If you break it you have to pay for it."
I paddled out until I saw one monster wave coming in! Still excited about it! Should have been afraid. Ha ha! One of the guys told me a bit of advice.
"Mo betta go in da barrel. Loud but"
That's what I did.
Instead of trying to ride to the top of this monster, I maneuvered the board into that sweet spot. The hollow where the wave is curling over and over and over. It was mesmerizing, like when you're driving in a snowstorm with the snow coming at you. Blinding, mesmerizing, hypnotic. 
It was *MAGIC*
I lost the bottoms to my hot pink bikini that day, I learned to wear baggies, loose fitting surf shorts. 
I got my bikini back, learned a lesson. Still a novice, I learned a lot from those guys. That was the only time I was in the barrel.

Recent magic?

An unexpected someone I knew a long time ago contacted me, recently. Very surprising. I made it clear to him that I'm single plus celibate by choice. 
That I'm happy as I am, we could be friends, platonic friends. To me, this felt magical. The feelings that I felt long ago were still there. It was obvious that it was mutual.

The little flashes of magic in everyday life are there. Every day the sun comes up. Water can fall from the sky. Babies are born every day. Flowers grow, bloom, then die after scattering a few seeds. Animal babies are born under sometimes, the most hostile circumstances. They still live, thrive, grow.

Perhaps that is a human purpose. To see magic in everyday life. To sometimes be born in less-than-ideal conditions. To thrive, grow, eventually make more people if possible or desired. Defy the odds against you, showing other people that it can be done.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Rhythm & Balance

It's the rhythm of the night
It's the rhythm of the day
It's a comforting one
For me anyway
So natural in my heart
Makes perfect sense in my mind
It seethes its way through my spirit
If you listen to it closely
You might just hear it
Breathy whispers of a breeze
It can sound like a heart beating
So strongly yet so softly
Though it's fleeting
I sit with silken fibers & fine linen
Of such a sweet, beautiful hue
Thinking like meditating
Often thinking of you
The look in your eyes when we first met long ago
Your scent so alluring in its subtle way
Left me longing to know more
Or just what to even say
Then my focus shifts as it must do
Distracted by tears in my eyes
As the dull ache starts
As I begin to realize
Back to the rhythm of the needlework
That helps me to steadily thrive
Past the hot pain of the past
What keeps me alone keeps me alive


  Someone you love is someone who Once was very special to you Touched your heart your soul your mind Helped you to be the one to find Someo...