Thursday, July 7, 2022

Get Back

Go back way back inside your mind 
To an earlier softer sweeter time
When you believed that Santa was real
Summers felt longer 5 cents was a deal
A loving family was your whole world
The world was an oyster you were a pearl
Cuss words were something you never said
A happy day was reading books in your bed
The puppy you had would never grow or die
The best scent in the world was hot apple pie
Most of your worry was an English test
Always working to do your very best
Saturday mornings spent on watching cartoons
Sunday morning was donuts then church until noon
Monday through Friday was spent at school
You knew what the what you were nobody's fool
Policemen were always the good guys to trust
Obedience was the rule to do as you must
Your future was bright as you grew up
With faith in the world that it wasn't corrupt
The innocent mind of a child so fair of face
A happy life of living in such a safe place
The world is harsh now not so safe, is it?
When life hurts return to your happy place
Even if only in your mind to visit

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Crickets & Scammers

It's the new culture of lonely.

In past eras, it was very common for people to write letters. This is referring to something other than the alphabet. For people who have never written letters, they do exist, a letter involves something known as a pen or ink pen or a pencil. 

If you wish to get fancy, a Murano glass pen with scented or unscented ink can be used. The glass pen is all one piece, so, it only requires the ink. The tip of the glass pen is dipped in the ink (I prefer scented ink).

The tip is pointed, sharp, very porous so as to absorb the ink. It uses just gravity to gently release the ink down through the tip as it's moved in even strokes to form letters & words onto paper or what have you.

As far as paper choice goes, you're on your own. Feel free to select whatever tweaks your freak.

Before public schools became available to everyone, the world had a high level of illiteracy. If one had to go to a scribe, it was one more step. The person who had great speaking skills would have to be able to trust a scribe as they spoke the message they wished to send. The scribe, who knew how to read, how to write, had to be taken into confidentiality to write the exact spoken words as well as keeping the information spoken, to themselves. 
This required a high level of trust!
If the scribe were to write words other than the words, the person was speaking in an attempt to incriminate them, it could have dire consequences. It could result in the person being jailed or even put to death, with the written letter as evidence.
A trustworthy scribe was absolutely essential.
The second requirement was that the scribe held their tongue from gossiping the information to titillate others whom they associated with.
Gossip was often a form of entertainment in "those" times. With the absence of TV, radios, video gaming, without even the electricity to use them, people would gossip & sometimes they still do.

The handwritten message or letter, as it were, was then taken, by a courier to the intended recipient. This whole process could take days, weeks or even months to reach the other person.

Folks were used to being patient, to waiting. Delayed gratification was a way of life. It's so contrary to the world of 2022, where people want what they want, NOW!
Fast food, fast living, fast cars, one & done, the hustle culture.
Patience is a rare trait in human beings in this modern world. Those who are unable or unwilling to keep up are prized for their calm nature. More often, they are looked down upon for the unmet expectation of others who see it as an annoyance.
Keep up or be left behind. If you're one who wants or needs the approval of others, you put the pedal to the metal. People who exist outside the hustle culture are nearly pariahs.
Hello, have we met? Your unworldly pariah, here!
Valuing people while using things is my M.O. The modern norm is mostly a culture of valuing things while using people to get them.

As cell phones along with the internet became more common, the virtue of patience was sacrificed on the altar of technology. Instant communication via emails, texting, IM on social media which murdered delayed gratification along with letter writing.
Why would you want to pour your feelings into a letter when you can click twice to send a meme? It's all about ME ME.
Because most people will only give the rare time it takes to write a letter or place a phone call to someone who they truly care about, someone who they have a history with.
This is the tool, which is also, unfortunately, used by scammers. Scammers are the insidious POS who are rarely just one person, rather, they work in teams like packs of hyenas. Scammers count on as well as exploit this. Luring their targets in with constant communication, appearing to hold the person in high regard. They skillfully seem to take the time to be in constant communication, seeming to give the target the illusion of being important.
At the moment the scammer team senses that they have the person hooked, believing the lies, enjoying the attention, like a fish with a strong sharp steel hook embedded in their body?
The requests for money or other resources, often, with tales of woe about a calamity or illness of themselves or a loved one, starts.

The term I use is "target". Using the term "victim" implies that the person has no other choice. It absolves them of responsibility for their actions, makes them feel better about themselves which is the next step in the successful lure of the scam. A sort of "the devil made me do it" mentality.
An animal with a collar around its neck or body held in place by a heavy chain or strong cable is a victim.
A child who is at the mercy of an abuser or pedophile is a victim.
These are only 2 examples, there are, sadly, many more.
A person who pays out hundreds or thousands, even tens of thousands in cash or the gift cards requested by the scammer team, for the feeling of being wanted, needed, loved is paying a high price for serotonin uptake. The dopamine that floods the persons brain is addictive. The person would spend less money, have a little more control if they bought heroin or other street drugs.
**** This is a disclaimer! Use of street drugs is a big NO! ****

The reasons scammer teams are so successful is they are always available. Giving the warm fuzzies to the target, of feeling like they matter.

The oxymoron of an "online relationship" is the slippery corridor of word usage.
If you will, think of these questions.

Does your bank love you?
Will you have a happily ever after with comments on social media?
Are you on a romantic personal level with your real estate agent?
Does your barber or hair stylist care if you are happy or sad?

If you answered yes to any of these, it's time to re-think. These are isolated moments of occasional interaction with people or institutions which are predicated on you as a source of money or words on a screen to agree or disagree with.
The same interaction takes place with the scammers. 
Have you had your "AHA" moment?
The people or institutions will happily accept your money. Going after them for a refund or services without payment could take weeks, months or even years if you ever do recoup the losses.
Mostly, the loss or denial of services is permanent. When a person is silly enough to willingly send money & other resources to someone they have never met in person, barely spoken to on a phone or face time. They sent it intentionally. 

Now that the premise of written communication, with a side trip to scammerville traveled through my brain, out through my fingers.
Just for you, boo.

With all of the instant everything that is part of modern life, there is a downside. 
Something very funny that has happened a few times is that a new acquaintance has asked me if I know how to text.  😂😂😂😂
The assumption among many is that people over the age of 40 know much less or just the basics of tech.   
Umm, yes, I know how to text. 
Having designed web sites, solved tech problems for offices, etc. Even made then uploaded videos to YouTube plus several other platforms with no help from anyone. When people state that they ask for help from a child because tech is too complicated, it makes me feel a bit sick & a bit of pity.

Figuring things out is the fun of new tech!

The downside of instant everything is that many people have been conditioned to expect instant replies to their texts & emails, SMS's etc. Often, the one who sends to another will begin reading into the silence.


Often this is enough to tickle abandonment issues, foster a sensation of rejection. It hits them hard, right in the feelz. Better than a kick to the cojones, often just as painful.

More of the same.


This can be enough to trigger a breakup, unfriending or earn the same in retaliation or an irl cold shoulder. 
The irl action, the blouse is something different. Oh, Google!

It's in my nature to offer solutions, win-wins. The solution?

It may be unfamiliar concept. Patience can spare a person some of the effects of worrying.

Premature grey hair

Patience can also lead to more happiness & peace of mind. As one who is passionate about something REALLY SEXY?
I have tons of patience.
Intricate needlework teaches patience. Many people erroneous believe it requires patience.
In actuality, it teaches patience.

Be patient or make the crickets dance. It's a choice.  💓


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