Friday, May 31, 2024

Christmas in My Heart

The sights of Christmas past permeating my soul
The scent of baking cookies wafting in the air
Takes me back to so many Christmases past
When the ones I love still showed they care
Christmas carols from off key little singers
Joy that's contained in every heartfelt note
Imperfect from their composer's intent
With every masterpiece that they wrote
Smiling faces of children graced with joy
Even grown up kids seem to softly feel
The magic of believing that Santa was real
I was the creator of Christmas for so many years
Paying attention to the desires often repeated
Hoping for dreams of their hearts fulfilled
On Christmas day as the gifts were meted
Now those Christmases are but memories of the past
They are what I have after ones I love did depart
Fewer cards or calls nor very much of it at all
That I gave each year with Christmas in my heart
Moving forward in time is the best thing to do
To spoil myself as I used to do for so many others
This is sadly the way of the world of today
Forgotten gifts of the heart from forgotten mothers



If there's really holes in the floor of heaven   Tears of loved ones are really falling down I wear them all through my blonde hair Like...