Monday, May 22, 2023

The Skin You're In

You can buy all of the high priced surgeries
All the expensive lotions with potions
The three-hundred-dollar injectables
That keep you from showing emotions

You can buy all the beauty gadgets 
At all different price ranges you wish
Shock your face several times per day
To feel that you are the hottest ish

LED devices that are Star Trek inspired
To give your face that wrinkle free glow
Do it in the privacy of your home
Only you will ever know

Go under the knife over your bank balance
Convincing yourself you naturally look this way
Vanity is one of the bygone deadly sins
Poor ones can use filters dam what others say

Color your hair a stunning shade of blonde
Even if your natural color is red or it's black
The clock will keep on ticking forward
Youth for you is never coming back

There are ways to preserve your head
In a freezer for a hundred years it sits
As long as there's no long power failure
Someday recreate a body it fits

Freeze your eggs or freeze your sperm
To someday continue your family line
Long after you have passed your limit
All this is well known that's just fine

The crucial thing many people neglect
Water is the fountain of youth we realize
Sunscreen is a marvelous wonder of things
The best to do for our skin is to moisturize


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